GS1-128 is an alphanumeric barcode used to label outer packaging and logistic units, for example pallets, that will not pass through a checkout point. Since the barcode may contain more information than the EAN-13, it is also used to mark electricity meters, electrical installations and equipment.
Who uses GS1-128?
Manufacturers, distributors, suppliers and carriers in a number of industries use the GS1-128 to mark pallets with transport and pallet labels. It is used in supply chains worldwide as part of GS1’s global standards, facilitating transports both locally and globally.
The benefits of GS1-128
The Barcode GS1-128 can contain information that provides traceability, which makes it possible to follow goods during transport, it facilitates inventory management and provides more efficient handling when transporting.
How is GS1-128 used?
The barcode is printed on a pallet or transport label according to the GS1 Logistic Label standard. GS1-128 may contain more information than a standard EAN code about what’s on the pallet. For example, it might include SSCC, GSIN, GTIN, GSRN, GIAI, expiry dates, and batch numbers. A GS1-128 includes application identifiers (AI) that describe the type of information contained in the barcode. Read more about how GS1-128 is used here.
How-to guides to help you get started with GS1 standards.