
GS1 standards increase patient safety, provide security against counterfeiting and provide more efficient and secure product supply chains.

Healthcare and GS1

Healthcare needs to streamline its operations and increase patient safety. GS1 standards help the industry to identify and label the information and supply chain. And then share important data on medicines, samples, patients, caregivers, care locations and much more.

The most important task of healthcare is to ensure that the right care is given to the right patient with the right medicine and dose. When a patient is automatically linked to the correct treatment, the risk of error is reduced. For example, the patient receives the wrong medication and dosage, blood of the wrong blood group or is treated with the wrong surgical procedure.

Find out about the latest news in the healthcare industry >

See how GS1 is making healthcare safer.

Benefits for your business

Streamlining and automation
Automatisk matchning av patient med rätt diagnos, behandling och medicinering. Dispensering av läkemedel med hjälp av robot.
2d-koder-inom-retail rätt information
Better data quality
Registrering av ett implantats artikelnummer och serienummer i patientens journal samt verifiering av patientens identitet genom att läsa av streckkoden på patientens armband.
Spårning av enskilda instrument från sterilisering till patient, skydd mot läkemedelsförfalskning genom spårbarhet för varje enskild dos, förpackning eller kartong, från tillverkare till slutkund. Spårning av provet och blod.

Common standards in healthcare

GS1 standards for identification and labeling are most commonly used in healthcare.

  • GTIN (Global Trade Item Number) to identify medicines and medical devices.

  • The SSCC (Serial Shipping Container Code or GS1 colline number) to identify goods to and from the healthcare provider.

  • GLN (Global Location Number) to identify care and delivery locations.

  • GIAI (Global Individual Asset Identifier or GS1 individual number) to identify hospital equipment.

  • GS1 Datamatrix for labeling medicines and patients.

  • RFID for quick identification and reading at longer distances.

  • UDI (Unique Device Identification) to label and identify medical devices.

    The industry is in agreement

    The pharmaceutical industry, with LIF (Pharmaceutical Industry in Sweden) as the driving body, has decided to use GS1 standards for the identification and labelling of products. From February 9, 2019, prescription drugs should be uniquely identified by serial number and marked with GS1 DataMatrix. When products are scanned at the checkout of a pharmacy, there is an automatic reconciliation of data from the supplier to ensure that counterfeit medicines do not enter the market.

    IMDRF (International Medical Device Regulator Forum)has developed requirements that the USA introduced in 2013 and that resulted in two EU regulations – Medicintekniska produkters förordning (MDR) och In-Vitrodiagnostik förordning (IVDR). The aim is a coordinated and consistent approach at global level, to increase patient safety and optimize patient care through coordinated Unique Device Identification ( UDI ) legislation and using global standards.

    GS1 standards and Covid-19 vaccine
    Instructions on basic UDI-DI
    Customer case from the Robert Ballanger Hospital

    Development and maintenance of GS1 industry standards

    The healthcare industry in Sweden can participate in influencing the development of GS1 standards through global user groups.

    Contact us

    Do you have questions about GS1 standards in Healthcare? By filling in the form, you will be put in direct contact with the person responsible for healthcare at GS1 Sweden.

      Olivia Karringer, Client Manager, GS1 Sweden

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