The last digit of a barcode number is a check digit that ensures that the barcode is correctly composed. Use the check digit calculator below to calculate check digits for all GS1 identification keys.
If you are a GS1 Sweden customer, you can log in to MyGS1 and use our service Generate numbers, where you can generate several GTIN-13 at the same time. The service also lets you generate GTIN-14, GLN SSCC and GSIN, based on your GS1 Company Prefix.
If you need the GMN (Global Model Number) to meet the requirements for Basic UDI-DI, you can generate and validate control characters here.
Don’t forget to save your numbers
Please note that the numbers you calculate here are neither saved nor recorded. If you have a GS1 Company Prefix from GS1 Sweden, you can save your numbers by recording products in My products and GLNs in My places in MyGS1.