Validoo is Sweden’s largest platform for sharing and consuming structured product information, providing increased data quality throughout the logistics value chain – from supplier to retailer and end consumer.Several industries in Sweden have chosen to work coherently according to global GS1 standards for data sharing (GDSN), trade item information and product images. Validoo gives you access to: Product data and image bank Automatic validation of trade item information and product images Quality assurance of trade item information, barcodes and product images GDSN data pool for seamless and timely datasharing…and you also get customer support, manuals, courses and webinars that help you move forward in your work to optimize your sales process.How is Validoo used? For suppliersYou want to share product information and images with retailers, wholesalers and other recipients. For retailersYou want to receive product information and images according to the right standards – at the right time. Quick facts One channel for your product and image information. Based on global standards with global reach. Developed in cooperation with users. Active network of experts to help you do better business. Digital product facts about Validoo Customers3 250suppliers and retailers in Sweden Products300 000with Trade Item Information according to GS1´s standard Products with image100 000quality assured images Search for products in ProductSearch Our additional services ImageProduct photography ImageCGI – Computer Generated Images Quality assuranceManual quality assurance ConnectionConnect to Validoo ImageMobile Ready Hero Images ImagePlanogram Price list Price for Validoo, our subscriptions and services can be found on this page. Go to price list Related content FAQQuestions and answersFrequently asked questions and answers about Validoo can be found in our FAQ. Customer listCustomers in ValidooSuppliers, retailers, wholesalers and e-retailers sharing and receiving information. CooperationReference groups ValidooDevelopment in collaboration with Validoo users.