GS1 identification standards are used to create unique numbers for products, packages, locations and more. This means better visibility, security and traceability for everyone in the supply chain - from manufacturer to consumer.
GS1 Identify

Library for standards

See all standards, services, and solutions in the area Identify.

supply chain

ID standards

StandardsWhat it isWhat is identifiedExample
Global Trade Item Number (GTIN)Item numberproductssoda can, chocolate bar, milk carton
Global Location Number (GLN)location numberlocation and companycompanies, stores, warehouses
Serial Shipping Container Code (SSCC)package numberlogistical unitspallets, roll cages, packages
Global Returnable Asset Identifier (GRAI)carrier identityreturn carrierplastic pallets, gas cylinders
Global Individual Asset Identifier (GIAI)unit numberequipment
electricity meters, computers, mobile phones
Global Service Relation Number (GSRN)business relation numberbusiness relationshipselectrical installations (measuring points), anti-theft
Global Document Type Identifier (GDTI)document identitydocument
prescription numbers, X-rays
Global Identification Number for Consignment (GINC)shipping numberlogistic shipment
goods being co-transported
Global Shipment Identification Number (GSIN)freight numberfreightgoods co-transported to consumers
Global Coupon Number (GCN)coupon numbercoupons
digital coupons
Component/Part Identifier (CPID)component identitycomponents
Spare parts for cars
Global Model Number (GMN)model numberproduct model
medical equipment


Type of prefixWhat it isUsageExample
GS1 Company Prefixbasic prefix to use all GS1 standardsunique prefix assigned to a companyall GS1 standards
Application identifierprefixes in barcodes and EPC/RFID tagsidentify product data beyond GTINdate, batch number, expiry date

Basic specifications

SpecificationWhat it isUsageExample
GS1 Global Traceability Standard (GTS2)traceability frameworkfor setting up traceabilitytrack products, parties, locations
GS1 General SpecificationsGS1 standards base documenthow standards are related and should be usedall GS1 standards and industries

See all GS1 standards


Ta fram streckkoder, 2D-koder och RFID-taggar – mångsidiga databärare som…


GS1-standarder för delning hjälper handelsparter ta emot och dela information…



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