GS1 Industry Council for groceries

Four times a year, selected people from the grocery trade meet to discuss how GS1 can assist in the industry’s future challenges.

Today there are user groups that decide on Swedish adaptation of the respective standard. They are open to all users and are related to the global process for changes in a standard.

The Industry Council takes a holistic approach to all products and standards, to see what can bring the food industry as a whole the most benefit in the future. What standard does the grocery industry need? And are there ambiguities in what is already in use?

The participants in the Council are selected by the Swedish Grocery Trade and the “Dagligvaruleverantörernas förbund”.

Criteria for participants:

  • Broad industry view
  • Have competence in daily operations in the companies
  • Can act as a driving force in their industry
  • Mandate to ensure implementation in their company
  • Has a leading position in its company/industry

Agenda and protocols are communicated to participants in the group, with the possibility of a broader anchoring with more people in the industry.

The Council consists of eight participants:

Carl Ahlinder

Peter Dannqvist
DLF Logistics Committee

Susanne Forsberg
ICA Sverige

Jerry Hansen

Gunilla Engblom

Ylva Heivert
Svensk Dagligvaruhandel

Thomas Petersson
Arla Foods

Annika Åberg

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