Create barcodes

You are one step closer to getting your products on the trade market – both locally and globally.

Follow the steps in the guide to create numbers and barcodes using your GS1 Company Prefix that you received by signing up as a GS1 Sweden customer.

1. Create GTIN

Before you can create a barcode, you need unique numbers that identify each product. It’s the same number you see under a barcode and it is called a Global Trade Item Number (GTIN). The number consists of: GS1 Company Prefix + Sequence number + Check digit

As a GS1 Sweden customer, you already have a GS1 Company Prefix. The company prefix identifies your company and is a part of any number you create.

You decide the sequence number yourself. It can be from 000 to 999 if you ordered 1,000 numbers. The length of the sequence number depends on how long the company prefix is.

The check digit is the last digit in the barcode number. It is computer generated and you can calculate it with the check digit calculator.


  • We recommend numbering the sequence number in order of sequence – 001, 002, 003 and so on.
  • Make sure to keep track of the numbers you have created and what the number identifies. You can save your numbers by registering your products using My Products in MyGS1. There, you can also use the Generate Numbers tool that helps you find available numbers in your number series.

2. Choose barcode

The barcode is the carrier of your data and makes it possible for your product to be scanned. The most common types of barcodes are EAN-13, GS1-128 and ITF-14. Which one you should use depends, for example, on the type of packaging and where in the supply chain the barcode is to be read. See tips to choose the right one.

EAN-13 is used for consumer packages that are scanned at a retail point-of-sale.

GS1-128 is used for outer packaging, pallets and also to carry application identifiers.

ITF-14 is used for outer packaging and is an extra durable barcode.

See all barcode types

3. Choose the right barcode size

The size guide summarises the size limits defined for EAN-8, EAN-13, ITF-14 and GS1-128 barcodes in the GS1 General Specifications. See the size guide

4. The visual barcode

It is usually the manufacturer who numbers and labels their packaging with barcodes. You can either produce barcode originals yourself or have someone to do it for you, such as a packaging designer, advertising agency or a printing company.

We have a list of suggested barcode suppliers that follow the GS1 barcode size guide. Of course you can also use the help of a printing company or similar, but feel free to refer them to our size guide.

Barcode suppliers

5. Position the barcode correctly

The barcode should be positioned correctly so that it can be scanned easily. In our guide, you will learn how to place the barcode correctly for the consumer packaging, the outer packaging and the pallet. Start by looking at general guidelines on positioning the barcode correctly.

6. Check the barcode quality

As early as possible, you should make sure that the barcode is of sufficiently high quality and is produced according to the standards. GS1 Sweden offers the BarcodeCheck service which helps you check the readability, content and quality of your barcode. This will let you know that the barcode can be safely scanned with a barcode scanner.

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