
GS1 standards and services help you uniquely identify your products and share accurate product information in an automated way.

The beauty industry and GS1

Retailers and suppliers of makeup, perfume, skin & hair products need a common way of sharing information in the supply chain and sales channels. For many years, GS1 has met the business needs of your industry with global standards and services for identification, capturing, and sharing. Modern beauty products have unique identities and barcodes that enable scanning of both large and small items. The beauty industry is now introducing the next level in its digitalisation, which is about streamlined and correct master data.

Why GS1?

In the beauty industry, it is a challenge to communicate about products and packages. Problems can occur if trade item information does not follow an agreed structure or contains inaccuracies. The consequences for the industry can often be measured in;

  • costs for manual handling,
  • time spent on troubleshooting,
  • delayed deliveries,
  • inefficient logistics,
  • lost sales,
  • dissatisfied consumers

GS1 standards and services create the opportunity for the industry to gain control over its product and logistics data by offering a common digital language. This means that structured data on beauty items can be exchanged in a seamless and automated way between suppliers and buyers. It helps you save time, reduce manual data management, increase efficiency and prevent delays.

By working in a standardized way, you can meet regulatory and industry requirements. You can win new sales opportunities at global retailers and marketplaces that often demands GS1 standards. In addition, you can satisfy your consumers’ constant need for better product information.

Benefits for your business

Efficiency and automation
Enable digital and automated information flows. Seamlessly shared product data helps you save time.
2d-koder-inom-retail rätt information
Better data quality
Minimize the consequences of incorrect information through structured product data to all recipients.
2d-koder-inom-retail ger bättre konsumentupplevelse
Satisfied consumers
Deliver better shopping experiences online and in physical sales channels. Reliable product data helps consumers buy.

Standards in use

In your industry, it is common to use a combination of GS1 standards and services. They are used for identification, capturing and data sharing.

  • GTIN (Global Trade Item Number) for product identification.

  • SSCC (Serial Shipping Container Code) for pallets and cages.

  • EAN-13, EAN-8ITF-14 and GS1-128 are used for barcoding.

  • QR, GS1 DataMatrix and Data Matrix are standards for 2D barcodes.

  • GLN (Global Location Number) for identifying places and parties.

  • GDSN is a product data network for synchronized data.

  • Validoo is a database service for validating and sharing data and images.

  • GS1 Trade Item Information for the exchange of digital product information.

Database service
Use Sweden's largest database service for sharing high-quality trade item information and product images.
Read more
Discover the benefits of GS1 numbers and barcodes.
Getting your product information right (GS1 global)
GS1 standards for e-commerce. (GS1 global)
GS1 and Beauty

Questions and answers

Here you will find answers around GTIN, GLN and measurement standards. And other things you may want to know about GS1 in your industry.
Go to FAQ

In collaboration with the beauty industry

GS1 Sweden has a close collaboration with the industry organisation KoHF – Kosmetik- och hygienföretagen and Axbeautyhouse, which handles

purchasing and assortment for Kicks. We collaborate on issues related to GS1 standards and seamless data exchange of trade item information.

Contact us

Do you have questions about GS1 standards in the beauty industry? By filling in the form, you will be in direct contact with the person responsible for beauty at GS1 Sweden.

    Lena Coulibaly, Senior Sales & Client Relations Manager, GS1 Sweden
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