The Digital Product Passport (DPP) is a set of sustainability data that enables circular products and business models. A consistent digital representation of a physical product creates an improved information exchange along the supply chain, enabling the verification and management of product sustainability.
A product passport means that each product has a unique identity that can be linked to one or more data sources with information about that particular product. The product passport enable businesses and consumers access to product information directly from the supplier or other data sources chosen by the supplier. The information may cover the product’s sustainability performance, origin, warranty, recycling and instructions for installation or repair.
Europe is at the beginning of its transformation to a more circular economy and aims to become the world’s most sustainable region. Digital Product Passports are part of a new EU framework – the Ecodesign Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR), as part of the EU Green Deal, aiming to meet Europe’s commitment to the Paris Agreement and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) .
The proposal covers almost all physical products on the European market in all product areas with the exception of food, pet food and medical products where other legislation with similar requirements applies. The regulation was adopted in April 2024 and the rules will be rolled out gradually until approximately 2030.
For brand owners and industries, the EU regulation on product passports is just one of several drivers. A consistent information management provides the necessary tools to achieve and monitor businesses’ own sustainability goals, increase consumer interaction and many other benefits.
GS1 standards enable digital product passports to work in practice. The product portfolio contains standards for identification, marking and sharing, including 2D barcodes and GS1 Digital Link, which are particularly relevant for product passports. It allows GS1 standards to be adapted for the web and product information from the same code to be scanned by a mobile phone, at the checkout and by all parties in the supply chain.
2D barcodes (QR and Data Matrix)
GS1 Digital Link
GS1 standards for identification
GS1 standards for capturing
GS1 standards for sharing
GS1 Traceability Standards
A national user group that addresses common needs, requirements and issues related to the development and implementation of Digital Product Passports.
A global working group that develops and updates GS1 standards to support new regulatory requirements for the circular economy.
GS1 Sweden has a driving role in enabling solutions for Digital Product Passports. We are active in the global standardization work within GS1 to further future-proof the standard portfolio for DPP. We also participate in the following national and European projects and initiatives.
The project created a proof of concept for traceability in the textile value chain and also aimed to facilitate the implementation of digital product passports.
Various system transformation projects to support the transition to climate-neutral and circular production. Including ‘Keep’, ‘Transforming textile industry standards’ and ‘Trust4Value’.
A pan-European project that developed prototypes for product passports on behalf of the European Commission.
The project developed the underlying infrastructure for Digital Product Passports based on an open, competition-neutral and global standard.
The Battery Passport and Battery Pass projects drive the development of product passports for industrial batteries.
The Swedish furniture industry is joining forces to achieve increased traceability of furniture with digital product passports.
A user-centred project with the aim to increase awareness of which product information is relevant in order to make more sustainable and circular choices.
The project creates consolidated and validated product passports in an automated way based on modern AI technology and blockchain technology.
Find shortcuts to new EU regulations, reports and publications from companies and authorities.
New EU legislation (ESPR)
Svenskt Näringslivs position on DPP
Report from Tillväxtverket on traceability and Product Passports.
CIRPASS project results on Digital Product Passports
Trace4Value traceability training
DPP guidance for the fashion and textile industry
EU FAQ on the DPP
Whitepaper on DPP from GS1 in Europe
GS1 Standards and ESG
Here we publish news about the latest developments in Digital Product Passports.
GS1 Sweden and Demoskop have conducted a survey with 250 companies about readyness for new regulations and what is needed to future-proof their business.
European industries, standards organizations, digital solution providers and others came together to spend a full day learning about possible future developments of the Digital Product Passport (DPP).
Kappahl is testing Digital Product Passports in its online collection. The test is a subproject within Trace4Value with partners GS1 Sweden, SIS, TrusTrace, Marimekko, Circularista and more.
Interview about DPP in Chefstidningen
Dagens Industri, Sustainable products the norm in the EU
GS1 In Europe joins Cirpass
Silicon Republic interview on Trace4Value
Interview in Habit on the Fiber Traceability Initiative
Interview in Miljö & Utveckling on ProPare
ProPare event on DPP
Propare builds the infrastructure for DPP
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