Develop your system so your customers can send, share and receive data via Validoo
If you are a system developer offering system solutions, you can integrate your system with Validoo. First, you need to adapt the system to GS1 standards and then have it verified by GS1 Sweden.
Benefits of being a verified system developer
As a verified system developer, you have the opportunity to help your customers bring their products to market faster and more efficiently. With a system verified according to GS1 standards, you can offer your customers seamless integration, which opens up new business opportunities.
You also have the opportunity to attend GS1 Sweden’s user group meetings, where decisions on standard updates and implementations in the Swedish market are made. Additionally, your company will be listed on our website as a verified system developers, where you can present your system in a short marketing text (maximum 450 characters).
Furthermore, you will have access to a dedicated support channel for issues related to your integration with GS1 Sweden.
Get started
The verification process varies depending on how your end customers intend to use the system, for recipients of product informaiton the connection guide applies. For suppliers the verification steps outlined below apply.
To have a system verified, it needs to be developed according to GS1 standards and specifications. All specifications are available on under documentation. You also need to follow the Validoo Operations Manual, which describes how to interact with Validoo when setting up system-to-system communication.
Technical documentation
Follow the guide and technical specifications for Trade Item Information.
Ongoing adjustments
Business requirements are added to GS1 global standards, and maintenance releases occur 3-4 times per year. For each maintenance release, you are expected to adapt your system to ensure product information can be exchanged correctly. Below, we describe how to integrate your system in four steps.
Step 1. Sign an agreement for system verification
To connect your system to Validoo, you need to sign a system verification agreement and obtain a GLN (Global Location Number).
For your customer to send, share and receive product information via your system, they need to sign an applicable agreement with GS1 Sweden, such as Validoo Supplier, Validoo Receiver or Validoo Buyer, as well as obtain a GLN.
Please contact customer service if you need help getting started.
08-50 10 10 10
Current prices can be found in our price list.
Step 2. Set up a communication
In order for a system to send digital information, it needs to be identified with a GLN. A GLN number is your company’s electronic identity. You must designate different GLNs in the test and in the production environment.
No GLN yet?
The GLN is created with a GS1 Company prefix, a serial number and a check digit. You can order a company prefix here:
Order GS1 Company Prefix
We have chosen the AS2 communication protocol as the approved protocol. AS2 is an http-based protocol. It supports encryption and signing to ensure that no information is lost and that there is clear traceability in all transactions.
Read more about the AS2 communication protocol.
Step 3. Report, adapt, test and verify
Register and adapt your system
When submitting files to the test environment you need to register your system to GS1 Sweden in order for it to be listed in Validoo as a sending system. We will help you with this when you report that you want to develop your own system.
3.1 Testing your system – receive data
Read how to test your system to receive data in the connection guide.
3.2 Test your system – send data
Once the system is developed and secure communication is set up, you can test sending product information to our test recipient Validoo PreProd Test Recipient with GLN 7300027777774. You will automatically receive a validation report on whether the product information was correct or what the errors are. To achieve a high level of usability, we recommend that you remove the possibility for users to make these errors. Follow the instructions and technical specifications for Trade Item Information.
3.3 Verify your system
When you consider the system fully developed and you have tested internally and corrected any errors, it is time to verify the system in our external test environment so that it can be approved as a sending system.
Submit files for verification (see verification cases below) to the recipient Validoo PreProd Verification Recipient with GLN 7300027777781. Validoo decides which verification cases to carry out, in dialogue with you. When the verification case for your system is complete, and you have received approved validation reports, you should notify your contact person who will then review the files.
Verification case
1. Colonial – e.g. a packet of cereals
- 3-level product
- Ingredients
- Allergens
- Nutritional content
2. 6-packs of which two are consumer items – e.g. canned soft drinks
- Ingredients
- Allergens
- Nutritional content
- Deposit returns
- 4 levels
3. Frozen – (e.g. frozen peas)
- Ingredients
- Allergens
- Nutritional content
- Temperatures
- Recycling fee not paid (see guideline)
- End-of-life management (see guideline)
- Brand owner
- Manufacturer
4. “Dangerous” products – e.g. lighter fluid (see instructions)
- Dangerous goods (ADR)
- Chemical – safety regulations
5. Fresh food – e.g. minced meat
- Variable weight code
- SRS-crate (deposit)
- Ingredients
- Allergens
- Nutritional content
6. Display unit – e.g. chips, different types (see guideline)
- Manage mix/display
- Verification of understanding the entirety
- Handling of pallet information
7. Withdrawal of trade item hierarchy
- Submit a message to permanently withdraw a previously submitted trade item hierarchy
- Submit a message to withdraw a submitted trade item hierarchy with the aim of updating the trade item hierarchy accordingly
8. Additional attributes
- At the request of GS1 Sweden, add additional and non-predefined fields from the Swedish subset in the user interface and submit to the data pool without error message in the schema. Talk to your contact person.
9. Validation error
- Receive, manage and display predefined error messages linked to validation rules. These are sent from the data pool (GS1 Sweden) to the user (system owner). Talk to your contact person.
Step 4. Start sending data
Once your system has been verified, it is ready to start sending trade item information via Validoo.
GS1 Sweden publishes details and marketing information (optional) about all approved commercial systems on, including contact details, to draw suppliers’ attention to the systems they can choose from.
Marketing text about your system
Write a text of maximum 450 characters about the system’s features and possible limitations, perhaps your system has adaptions for a specific product segment. When your system is verified, it will be published in the list of verified systems on
How it works
Below is a description of the process and flow of CIC (catalogue item confirmation).
Validation scenario “OK”

1. CatalogueItemNotification (CIN) is sent from solution provider to Validoo database, which returns with a “ACK OK”. |
2. Validoo database sends a “GS1 Response OK” to the solution provider that CIN is validated based on global rules. (GS1 Response : Response statement, usually corresponds to GDSN regulations) |
3. RCI “RegisterCatalogueItem ” containing GTIN/GPC/GLN is sent to the GS1 Global Registry® |
4. A ” response ” is sent from GS1 Global Registry ® to Validoo database. |
5. Before Validoo database can send a CIN to the receiver, step four must be completed. |
6. CIC (Received )” is sent to the solution provider “on behalf of” recipient group 1, after a “ACK OK” is sent from recipients. (CIC = CatalogueItemConfirmation) |
7. CIC (Received )” sent from the recipient group. |
8. CIC is forwarded by Validoo database to solution provider. |
Validation scenario “NOK”

1. A CIN is sent from the system vendor to validoo database, which returns with an “ACK OK” |
2. Validoo database sends a “GS1 Response” to the system vendor that “CIN” is validated based on global |
3. The system vendor will never receive a CIC back because CIN is not validated against Swedish rules at any time in the process n |
GDSN rules | Local rules | Response messages |
OK | OK | GS1 Response OK, CIC Received (with delay)* |
NOK | OK | GS1 Response NOK |
OK | NOK | GS1 Response OK, CIC Reviewed |
NOK | NOK | GS1 Response NOK, CIC Reviewed |
*A delayed CIC can be late from the data recipient. Can be Received, Reviewed or Synchronized.
Recipient-specific rules
Some recipients have specific limit values for weight and height. See the limit values in force in the table below.
Receiver | Pallet height (millimeter) | Half pallet weight (grams) | Quartz pallet weight (grams) | Weight of consumer packaging (grams) | Pallet weight (grams) | Third pallet weight (grams) | Packaging weight (grams) |
Dagab | 1250 | 500000 | 250000 | 15000 | 1000000 | 334000 | 15000 |
Coop | 1250 | 500000 | 250000 | 15000 | 1000000 | 334000 | 15000 |
Ica | 1250 | 500000 | 250000 | 15000 | 1000000 | 334000 | 15000 |
Menigo | 2000 | 500000 | 250000 | 40000 | 1000000 | 334000 | 40000 |
Handling end of trade item life cycle
There are different ways to indicate to your recipients that a trade item will be or has been discontinued.
T4015 Discontinued date time should be used to announce in advance a date when an item no longer can be ordered from the supplier. This applies to all recipients who have access to trade item information in Validoo. When the date occurs, the status of the item changes to Discontinued in Validoo. If you want to notify individual recipients that a trade item will be discontinued, you should use T4726 End availability date time instead, and select the recipients that should be informed about the date.
If you need to remove access to a trade item, use the message type CIHW (Catalouge Item Hierarchal Withdrawal) and the message type PUBLICATION_ WITHDRAWAL. This message is sent when a trade item has already been discontinued and the recipient should no longer have access to the trade item information in Validoo. When the message has been sent to all recipients that have access to the information, the status of the trade item in Validoo changes to Withdrawn.
As a system developer, you must under no circumstances offer to DELETE information in your system and interface without, in such cases, first ensuring that a PUBLICATION_ WITHDRAWAL message is also sent to all recipients so that the status in Validoo changes to Discontinued.