New rules in the quality assurance service

On May 21, a major standard update of GDSN (Global Data Synchronization Network) and GS1 Trade Item Information will be implemented. The update means six new rules for quality assurance and the opportunity to achieve higher data quality for those who order manual control of trade item information and barcodes.

The change of version to GDSN 3.1.19 affects many users, as Sweden is thereby taking a major step towards global harmonization of data and higher data quality. The update contains new terms for trade item information and changes in code values that will create great benefits for suppliers and brand owners in several industries. You who ensure the quality of trade item information will receive six new rules for, among other things, barcode checking and markings.

At the beginning of 2022, GS1 Sweden became compatible with the GS1 Global Data Model – a new data model that plays an important role in data quality within GDSN and data harmonization with the rest of the world. As a Swedish GS1 user, you now have an increased opportunity for more complete information to consumers, easier data exchange and higher data quality.

What does the update mean for you?

After May 21, we will start quality assuring the new rules included in the release. If you choose to make an update in the trade item information and publish it again, the status will change to Action needed to show that there is new information that has not yet been quality assured.

For the products that have been quality assured after 19 April 2021, this check is included in the price and you only need to make a rebooking and possibly upload a new print original, to get the new rule checked. If the product is quality assured before 19 April 2021, you need to make a new booking for quality assurance on Product Information and upload a digital print original.

If you are unsure if you need to ensure the quality of your product again, contact your buyer for further dialogue. Log in to Validoo if you want to make a new booking or rebook.

The new and updated rules apply to:

Free from

The current Packaging marked free from code (T4031) is removed and replaced by three new terms: Claim marked on package (T4311) , Nutritional claim type code (T4313) and Nutritional claim nutrient element code (T4314).

You will be able to enter labels that are not on the packaging and also fill in the code value “Less”, “Low”, “Very low” and “Contains” for each substance.

Diet labeling

New terms Is diet type marked on package (T4312). Packaging marked diet allergen code (T4028) is removed and replaced by Diet type code (T4066).

You will be able to indicate if diet labeling is indicated on the sample or if it is missing. If labeling is stated on the product sample, the code value entered in Diet type code (T4066) in the trade item information must correspond to the product sample.

Data carrier type

Data carrier family type code (T0187) is deleted and replaced by Data carrier type code (T4310) which will not be quality assured. A new rule is added that checks whether the physical barcode complies with the GS1 standard.

You who have already received a quality assurance result for barcode checking before 21 May will maintain your status. When a new barcode is submitted for quality assurance after the standard update, the new rule will be checked.

Frequently asked questions

Read our FAQ below or contact customer service and they will help you further.

The status is not affected, regardless of when the barcode is quality assured. From 21 May, a new rule will be included in the quality assurance of Barcode, where it is checked that the barcode has a data carrier type that complies with the GS1 standard. It will be the actual barcode that is checked and not which code is specified in the new term T4310 in the trade item information.

If you choose to make an update in the trade item information and publish it again, the status will change to Action needed to show that there is new information that Validoo has not yet quality assured.

For the products that have been quality assured after 19 April 2021, this check is included in the price and you only need to make a rebooking and possibly upload a new print original, to get the new rule checked. If the product is quality assured before 19 April 2021, you need to make a new booking for quality assurance on Product Information and upload a digital print original.

If you are unsure whether you should ensure the quality of your product again, contact your buyer for further dialogue.

The code value for “Vegan” will be moved from Packaging marked diet allergen code (T4028) to Diet type code (T4066). As there is a new rule for quality assurance Diet type code (T4066), your quality assurance status will change to Action needed when you update your trade item information and publish it.

For the products that have been quality assured after 19 April 2021, the check of the new rule is included in the price and you only need to make a rebooking and possibly upload a new print original. If the product is quality assured before 19 April 2021, you need to make a new booking for quality assurance on Product Information and upload a digital print original. See current price list here.

If you change your trade item information after 21 May on any of the terms included in the quality assurance and then publish about the information, your status will change to Action needed to show that there is information that GS1 has not yet quality assured. This means that if after 21 May you update the new term Is diet type marked on package (T4312) or existing term Diet type code (T4066) and publish the information, the status will change to Action needed. To get the status OK again, GS1 needs to make a check of the new rule, which means that you make a free rebooking that applies to the products that have been quality assured after 19 April 2021, otherwise you make a new booking.
If you are unsure whether you should make a new quality assurance, contact your buyer for further dialogue.

With GDSN release 3.1.19, several code values that were previously quality assured in the term Packaging marked diet allergen code (T4028) will be moved to Diet type code (T4066). In order to continue to be able to control these and also ensure good data quality for labeling, which is becoming increasingly important for the consumer, a new quality assurance rule is created where code values in Diet type code (T4066) are checked against labeling that is on packaging. If there is no marking on the packaging, the specified code values will give the status N / A.

When you make a change to a term that is included in the quality assurance, the system senses that the new information does not match the observation made in the quality assurance. The status is therefore changed until action is needed to demonstrate that there is information that has not been checked yet or that needs to be checked again. Make a free rebooking and upload a new print original if needed to get a quick check on your change.

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