Latest updates in Validoo

Woman working on her computer

We are constantly working to develop and improve our products and services to help you succeed with your information management. Here you can read about the latest updates in Validoo and what will be updated soon.

New notification centre

We present a new notification centre in Validoo. Here you will find notifications of reports ready for download and possible validation errors in related hierarchies and items published in Validoo. In the Notification Centre, you can filter notifications related to your own work and notifications related to all users in your company. You can find the notification centre in the left menu and by a bell in the top right corner.

Booking of BarcodeCheck

If you get an Action Required result on rule 735550 barcode legibility, non-consumer item (A-F), you will be offered a shortcut to booking BarcodeCheck in the view of your quality assurance result. This will make it quicker and easier for you to book BarcodeCheck when you need it.

Coming soon:

My products in Validoo change name to Book and status

To make it clearer for you, we have changed the name of what was previously called ‘My products’ to ‘Book and status’ in the navigation. It is under ‘Book and status’ that you place bookings for image quality assurance, trade item quality assurance and product photography bookings. There you can also see the status of your quality assurances regarding product information, dimensions and barcode.

Product hierarchy in Validoo changes name to Trade Item Information

The page that you previously knew as ‘Product hierarchy’ in Validoo has been renamed to ‘Trade Item information’ to make it even clearer that this is where you manage your trade item information.

New rules and type of data carriers checked after standard update

New terms and rules in the standard update GDSN 3.1.21 will be checked after 19 November in the trade item information published in Validoo. In addition to checking the new rules introduced with this update, the rule linked to term T4310, type of data carrier will also be checked. This rule was introduced with the standard update 3.1.19. In order for the trade item information to be valid and sent to your recipients, the T4310 must be filled in correctly.

You can read more about GDSN 3.1.21 here >


Review your products

Remember to clean up your digital assortment before the annual invoicing to save money and improve data quality. Read more >

MyGS1 – all services in one place

Looking for your settings in Validoo? All personal settings are managed from the MyGS1 customer portal. Log in to MyGS1 >

For those who have Validoo DataEntry

Now faster publishing process

It is now even easier and faster for you to work in Validoo DataEntry. We’ve removed the last step so you can publish your hierarchy directly in the step where you enter your trade item information.

If you make changes to your hierarchy that affect other hierarchies, the validation will be done in the background. You will receive a notification in the notification view if you need to republish or correct something in the hierarchies.

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