Service description for functionalities included in GS1 Company Prefix

Your subscription to GS1 Company Prefix includes a number of features. Among the features are services that support your business and give you the opportunity to make your work more efficient. You can access the features via our customer portal MyGS1.

To take part of the features you need:

  • subscribe to a GS1 Company Prefix from GS1 Sweden

Features included:

What you can do with the features


  • Administer your company details, invoices and MyGS1 users.
  • Order Directory, Validoo and other services.
  • View your business engagements with associated terms and conditions.
  • View your Validoo services with associated terms and conditions.
  • View your invoices and their status.

Generate numbers

Use your GS1 Company Prefix, issued by GS1 Sweden, to generate one or more correctly formed GTIN, GLN, SSCC och GSIN (including check digit), and export your numbers to Excel.

My brands

  • Create a list of your brands so you easily can select the correct brand with the correct spelling when adding products to My Products.
  • Manage your registered brands and sub-brands, correct or deactivate them.

My products

  • Connect your GTINs to your products and enter product information (brand and sub-brand, functional name and variant, net content with associated unit, target market and product class) in a user-friendly web-based interface, either one at a time or many at once via Excel import.
  • Connect an image to each of your registered products by uploading it or providing its link. The image is saved in a database at GS1 Sweden and linked to your product.
  • Automatically share your product information to the GS1 Registry Platform so that it becomes available and searchable in Verified by GS1.
  • Manage your registered products, correct or deactivate them.
  • Search your registered products and get a detailed view with each trade item’s product description and image.
  • Search among your registered products and export one or more products to Excel.

My places

  • Connect your GLNs to your locations/parties and register location information in a user-friendly interface, via API or Excel import.
  • Automatically share your location information to the GS1 Registry Platform to make it available and searchable in Verified by GS1.
  • Manage, correct or deactivate your registered locations/parties. Keep information up to date for effective communication with your stakeholders.
  • Search your registered locations/parties and get a detailed view of each GLN’s location information.
  • Search among your registered locations/parties and export one or more to Excel.
  • Create and manage links to additional information about your products such as campaigns, traceability information, certifications and much more.
  • Receive a link to GS1 Sweden’s resolver, which makes it possible to direct users to more than one source of information.
  • Create links with different link types to be able to direct users to information that is relevant to them.
  • Link to any number of information sources from a single barcode.
  • Simplify for consumers, retailers, etc. to verify information about your product when the links are made searchable in Verified by GS1.

Verified by GS1

  • Verify and retrieve information about whether a GTIN is a valid GTIN, which company owns the GTIN, and basic information and images of the product associated with the GTIN.
  • Verify and retrieve information about a GLN, which company owns the GLN and access basic information linked to the GLN.
  • Verify and retrieve information about which links to additional information about a product are available.

Please note that:

  • Your company is responsible for following the terms and conditions for GS1 Company Prefix.
  • Your company is responsible for ensuring that your registered product information in My products is correct and complies with all laws, regulations and recommendations that apply to the respective industry in the countries you have indicated as target markets, and that the product information and image match your actual product.
  • When you add your trade items to My products, your locations/parties to My places, or your link to Link management, they are automatically published in the GS1 Global Registry Platform whereupon they become searchable in Verified by GS1.
  • To use Verified by GS1, a subscription to GS1 Company Prefix is required.
  • In Verified by GS1, authorized GS1 members can log in and access your products and consequently, deliver reliable information to their customers, your end customers.

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