Quality assurance rules for Trade Item Information and Barcode Quality

GDSN release: 3.1.26
Valid from: 2024-03-06
Version: 2.6

Version history

2.6736009 – New rule
736010 – New rule
736007 – New rule
736008 – New rule
735004 – Addition
735009 – Addition
C. Brander2024-03-06
2.5735502 – Changed nameC. Brander2023-11-20
2.4735511 – Updated T-number
736003 – Updated T-number
736004 – Updated T-number
736005 – Updated T-number and definition of Lactose
C. Brander2023-05-22
2.3736005 – Code value updatedC. Brander2023-02-25
2.2736002 – Changed code value Halal
736005 – Code values updated
C. Brander2022-11-23
2.1735004 – Deleted text
735506 – Moved rule from Measurements to Product information
735506 – Clarification regarding variable-weight goods
735538 – Removed rule
735539 – Clarification
735601 – Revision of symbols
735700 – Updated with link to code list
735904 – Clarification regarding component
736001 – New rule
736002 – New rule
736003 – New rule
736004 – New rule
736005 – New rule
736006 – New rule
Section 3.1 – Change of name
Appendix 1 – Updates according to changed rules
Appendix 2 – Removed
C. Brander2022-05-21
2.0735511 j.) – Clarification that point j also applies to a set of different products
735542 h.) – Clarification regarding the use of punctuation marks
735546 c.) – Revision to the rule to adapt quality assurance to the new system
735903 a-c.) – Correction of results lt to comply with Open Jar rule and addition of a new code value.
Appendix 2 – Addition of the Packaging marked label accreditation code, “Plastic in product”.
L. Roth2021-09-28

1. Introduction

This section describes the controls and rules included in the quality assurance and the attributes that are affected. The assessment of each rule and the status that can be given are also described.

The quality assurance rules and assessment criteria have been developed in collaboration with the Validoo Reference Group for Product and Data Quality. The rules are based on GS1 standards and frameworks, including the standard forTrade Item information: Guideline Trade Item Information.

1.1 Symbols

In the quality assurance rules, the following symbols will be used to indicate if the rule refers to quality assurance on:

  • “Consumer unit and/or basic unit” or “Outer packaging”
  • Variable unit or Non-variable unit
  • SRS-crate or Non-SRS-crate

Consumer unit

Base unit
(Non-consumer unit + no child)

Outer packaging
(Non-consumer unit has child)

Variable unit




In Appendix 1, you will find tables that describe which rules are verified based
on the above-mentioned criteria and which rules are included in a particular type
of quality assurance.

2. Quality assurance rules for Product information

2.1 Trade Item Identities

Rule 735513 Trade item, GTIN (T0154)

RuleRule refers to
Trade item, GTIN (T0154) in the trade item information should correspond with the numbers specified under the barcode on the sample or other
GTIN labeling.

How the verification is done:

  1. Visual verification that the GTIN in the trade item information matches digit to digit with the number printed under the barcode on the sample or other GTIN marked on the sample. Initial zeros at the beginning of the GTIN are excluded.
  2. If the sample is a consumer unit with more than one barcode/label, the GTIN is verified to match the number under any one of the barcodes.
  3. If the sample is a non-consumer unit with more than one barcode containing different GTINs, the status is Action Required.
  4. If not all digits under the barcode can be interpreted (e.g. if the barcode is wrinkled or the numbers have become smudged), no check can be made and the status will be N/A.
  5. If the sample has no barcode or other GTIN marking, the status is N/A.

Rule 735502 Functional name (T0018)

RuleRule refers to
Functional name (T0018) in the trade item information should correspond with the sample’s functional name.

How the verification is done:

  1. Verification that the functional name in the trade item information does not contain the brand. The brand is assessed in rule 735542 as the trade items brand or abbreviation thereof. Other brand-like words/phrases found on the product sample may appear in the functional name. If the brand is the same as the name of the trade item, it is also approved as functional name, e.g. a juice that is sold under the brand “JUICE”.
  2. Verification that the functional name in the trade item information does not contain any packaging size with the exception for specification of multipack.
  3. Verification that the functional name in the trade item information does not contain the supplier’s item number or any other incomprehensible text string “ABC78317” or words that clearly do not describe the product such as “copy”, “old version” or “updated”.
  4. The functional name does not have to be printed on the product sample to be approved as functional name in the trade item information. However, it is verified that the functional name in the trade item information does not obviously contradict the actual content of the item (e.g. Functional name “Juice” in the trade item information for a package of cereals, or functional name “Tomatjuice” for a bottle of orange juice), which would give the status Action required.
  5. Verification that the functional name in the trade item information has a Swedish character set.

Rule 735542 Brand (T0143)

RuleRule refers to
Trademark (T0143) in the trade item information should correspond with the brand name on the sample.

How the verification is done:

  1. If one or more markings or logotypes resembling a brand are found on the sample, check that any one of them is fully or partially specified in T0143. (Examples giving status OK: if sample = Gillette Fusion and trade item information = Gillette, sample = Bosses Bär and trade item information = BOSSES).
  2. If brand is specified on the sample, it is verified that there is no apparent conflict with the value specified in T0143, (Example: sample = Gillette and trade item information = Gevalia).
  3. If brand is specified on the sample, it is verified that the spelling is not different in the trade item information, (Example: sample = Gillette and item information = Gilete).
  4. If brand is specified on the sample in one language (e.g. English), it cannot be specified in the trade item information translated into another language.
  5. If there are several marks on the sample that could be a brand, any one of them will be accepted.
  6. Verification that the specified brand does not contain the company name (unless the brand is the same as the company name). Normally, the brand in the trade item information should not contain for example Limited Company/Aktiebolag, Ltd/AB or such.
  7. Verification that the specified brand does not contain product characteristics, e.g. bulk (unless the brand is the same as these).
  8. If there is no brand on the sample, anything specified in the trade item information will be approved, except for the above, i.e. company name, product characteristics and punctuation marks.

Rule 736010 – Description short (T3337) New rule 2024-03-06

RuleRule refers to
Description short (T3337) in the trade item information must correspond with the name of the product sample.

How the verification is done:

  1. Validation that the Description short is not directly misleading, for example ‘Apelsin Juice’ on a package of coffee.
  2. Validation that the product name in the article information does not contain Packaging size (T4360).
  3. Validation that the product name in the article information does not contain the supplier’s article number, other incomprehensible text string “ABC78317” or words that clearly do not describe the product such as “copy”, “old version” or “updated”.
  4. Validation that product names in the article information have the Swedish character set.
  5. For alcoholic beverages, the product’s alcohol content must be part of Description short. Different numbers of decimal places are not equated, e.g. sample = 2.2 and item information = 2.20 gives status Action required.
  6. Validation that the following characters are not used to end words in abbreviations:
    • Comma (,)
    • Period (.)
    • Semicolon (;)
  7. Validation that the period character (.) is entered as a punctuation mark for numerical entries
  8. Validation that the sign / is entered as a separator between similar properties, e.g. colors and flavors. Ex: White/Green, Strawberry/Donut
  9. Validation that the multipack number is followed by the letter “P” alternatively “pack”. Ex: 4P or 4-pack
  10. Validation that the number of portions the product provides is registered as the number of portions followed by PORT. Ex: 12 PORTS

Rule 735511 Descriptive size (T4360) Updated 2023-05-22

RuleRule refers to
Descriptive size (T4360) in the trade item information should correspond with the descriptive size on the sample and follow the writing rules.

The descriptive size makes it easier for the consumer to understand which item is associated with a specific shelf label. Therefore, the Quality Assurance compares the descriptive size specified in the trade item information with the descriptive size printed on the front of the product sample.

How the verification is done:

  1. If Descriptive size is specified in T4360 in the trade item information and a descriptive size is printed on the front of the sample (as defined by the GS1 Package and Product Measurement Standard), then the specified value must match the product sample.
  2. When assessing conformity, exceptions are made for space and established abbreviations, e.g. sample=200 gram and trade item information=200g or 200gr gives the status OK.
  3. When assessing conformity, accepted concepts are equated such as pieces/items/amount, etc., e.g. sample = Amount: 8 items and trade item information = 8 pieces gives the status OK.
  4. When assessing conformity, exceptions are made for different number of decimals, e.g. sample=0.300 kg and trade item information=0.3 kg gives the status OK.
  5. When assessing conformity, exceptions are made for different measurement units if the content is the same, e.g. sample=0.300 kg and trade item information=300 g gives the status OK. On the other hand, if the content does not correspond e.g. sample=0.350 kg and trade item information=300 g the status is Action Required.
  6. If measurement unit for descriptive size in the trade item information is missing, the status will be Action required, e.g. sample=300 grams and trade item information=300.
  7. If Descriptive size is specified in T4360 in the trade item information and more than one descriptive size is printed on the front of the product sample (as defined by the GS1 Package and Product Measurement Standard), the value in the trade item information should correspond to the text on the sample that has the largest font size. If a descriptive size with a smaller font size on the pack is entered in T4360 a recommendation will be given to adjust the entered value. If the font size is the same or approximately the same, the specified value can match any of the values on the sample, which will give the status OK.
  8. If Descriptive size is specified in T4360 in the trade item information and there is no descriptive size printed on the front of the sample (as defined by the GS1 Package and Product Measurement Standard), it is checked if there are any descriptive sizes printed on the other sides of the sample.
  9. If Descriptive size is not specified in T4360 in the trade item information, the status is N/A.
  10. If there is no descriptive size on the sample or the item consists of several different products, the specified value will be accepted. For example, a set containing a shampoo bottle 300 ml, a conditioner bottle 300 ml and a hair spray 150 ml, without any descriptive size on the packaging, anything specified will give the status OK, e.g. “3-pack”, “1 pcs”, “750 ml”, etc. 
    1. Exception: If the specified value in the trade item information is in obvious conflict with the descriptive size the status will be Action required. E.g. the value “10 kg” in the trade item information for a 1-litre juice bottle.
  11. Verification that the entered value for Descriptive size, (T4360) complies with the writing rules specified in the Guidelines for Trade Item Information:
    1. The following characters should never be used to end words when using abbreviations: – Comma (,) – Period (.) – Semicolon (;)
    2. Period (.) should be used as a decimal point in numeric values, e.g. 2.8% gives status OK and 2,8% gives status Action required.
    3. For multipacks, the number in the pack should be followed by the letter “P”, e.g. 4P
    4. The number of servings in an item should be followed by PORT, e.g 12 PORT
  12. For variable weight items all reasonable values, e.g. item information = 300g and item sample = 345g gives the status OK. An obviously unreasonable value, e.g. trade item information = 300g if the sample is a ham weighing approximately 3000g, the status is Action required.

2.2 Packaging content

Rule 735506 Trade item gross weight (T4020)

RuleRule refers to
Trade item gross weight (T4020) in the trade item information should correspond to the sample’s gross weight.

How the verification is done:

  1. The specified value in Trade item gross weight (T4020) in the trade item information is compared with the sample’s markings and packaging type.
  2. If the value is unreasonable, the status Action required will be given. For example, specified value in Gross weight = 2100g for a chocolate cake marked with a net weight of 200g.
  3. If T0186 Variable weight = Yes/True an assessment is made on the digital product information and status OK is given to all reasonable values, regardless of the stated value on the sample. For example, stated value in the digital product information is 1000g for larger ham weighing approximately 1 kg receives status OK. Obviously unreasonable values, for example 300g for large ham at about 3 kg receives status Action required.

Rule 735509 Net content (T0082)

Net content (T0082) in the trade item information should correspond with the sample’s net content.

How the verification is done:

  1. If there is a net content stated on the sample in any of the approved units (grams, milliliters, millimeters, square meters, cubic meters, pieces) it is verified that the same value is specified for Net content (T0082) in the trade item information. When verifying, rounded values are not equated, e.g. sample=300.5 gram is not the same as trade item information=300g and gives the status Action required.
  2. If there is no value printed on the sample in any of the approved units (grams, milliliters, millimeters, square meters, cubic meters, pieces it is verified that the net content in the trade item information does not clearly conflict with the sample’s actual content (e.g. content “5 pieces” on a box of 100 matches) which gives the status Action required. All specified values that are reasonable give the status OK.
  3. The same value with different units are equated, e.g. sample 1.5 kg and trade item information =1500 gram gives the status OK.
  4. Integers and decimals followed by zero(s) are not equated, i.e. sample=300 gram and trade item information=300.00 gram gives the status Action required and vice versa.
  5. For variable weight items all reasonable values, e.g. item information = 300g and item sample = 345g gives the status OK. An obviously unreasonable value, e.g. trade item information = 300g if the sample is a ham weighing approximately 3000g, the status is Action required.

Rule 735530 Measurement unit (T3780) for Net contents (T0082)

RuleRule refers to
Measurement unit (T3780) in the trade item information connected to Net content (T0082) should correspond with the sample’s measurement for net content.

How the verification is done:

  1. If there is a net content stated on the sample in any of the approved units (grams, milliliters, millimeters, square meters, cubic meters, pieces), it is verified that the same measurement unit is specified for T3780 connected to T0082 in the trade item information.
  2. If there is no value printed on the sample in any of the approved units (grams, milliliters, millimeters, square meters, cubic meters, pieces), it is verified that the measurement unit for the net content in the trade item information isn’t clearly different from the samples actual content (e.g. content “1 cubic meter” on a box of matches).

Rule 735522 Price comparison measurement (T0147)

RuleRule refers to
Price comparison measurement (T0147) in the trade item information should correspond with the price comparison measurement on the sample.

How the verification is done:

  1. If there is a price comparison measurement printed on the sample in any of the approved units (grams, milliliters, millimeters, square meters, cubic meters, pieces) it is verified that the same value is specified for Price comparison measurement (T0147) in the trade item information.
  2. If there is no value printed on the sample in any of the approved units (grams, milliliters, millimeters, square meters, cubic meters, pieces) it is verified that the content in the trade item information isn’t clearly different from the samples actual content (e.g. content “2 pieces” on a box with 100 matches).
  3. The same value with different units are equated, e.g. sample 1.5 kg and trade item information =1500 gram gives the status OK.
  4. Integers and decimals followed by zero(s) are not equated, i.e. sample=300 gram and trade item information=300.00 gram gives the status Action required and vice versa.
  5. Rounded values are not equated, e.g. sample=300.5 gram is not considered to correspond with trade item information 300= gram, and gives the status Action required.
  6. If the sample has two net contents stated on the packaging (e.g. weight in grams and volume in milliliters) it is verified that at least one of the two quantities is specified in the trade item information.
  7. If price comparison measurement is not specified, the status is Action required, with exception for (Swedish Consumer Agency Price Info Guide – 2012): products containing less than 50 g or 50 ml, packages containing several different items, and for products sold mainly for their cosmetic properties.
  8. For variable weight items all reasonable values, e.g. item information = 300g and item sample = 345g gives the status OK. An obviously unreasonable value, e.g. trade item information = 300g if the sample is a ham weighing approximately 3000g, the status is Action required.

Rule 735531 Measurement (T3780) for Price comparison measurement (T0147)

RuleRule refers to
Measurement unit (T3780) in the trade item information connected to Price comparison measurement (T0147) should correspond with the measurement unit on the sample.

How the verification is done:

  1. If there is a content stated on the sample in any of the approved units (grams, milliliters, millimeters, square meters, cubic meters, pieces), it is verfied that it is the same unit specified for T3780 connected to T0147 in the trade item information.
  2. If there is no value printed on the sample in any of the approved units (grams, milliliters, millimeters, square meters, cubic meters, pieces) it is verified that the measurement unit for the net content in the trade item information isn’t clearly different from the samples actual content (e.g. content “1 cubic meter” on a box of matches).

Rule 735901 Price comparison content type (T0145)

RuleRule refers to
Price comparison content type (T0145) in the trade item information connected to Price comparison measurement (T0147) and Measurement for Price comparison measurement (T3780) should correspond with the measurement unit on the sample and be the correct type of base for calculation.

How the verification is done:

  1. Verification that Price comparison content type (T0145) corresponds with Measurement for Price comparison measurement (T3780). For example, if measurement unit = gram, it should not be stated per liter or wash in Price comparison content type (T0145).
  2. For some trade items, there are special instructions about which base for calculation should be used (Swedish Consumer Agency Price Info Guide – 2012). If the wrong type of base for calculation is specified for Price comparison content type (T0145) the status will be Action required. The following calculation bases should be used:
    1. For products sold in multi-unit packages that are consumed individually, the comparative price is calculated in the same unit of measurement as for the individual product.
    2. For products on rolls, reels, spools and such, the comparison price is calculated per meter. For soft paper, the comparison price is calculated per kilogram, excluding the weight of the sleeve.
    3. For materials that cover a surface, the comparison price is calculated per square meter. For wallpaper with paper-type quality, the price is per roll and for paint per liter.
    4. For products with recommended dosage, e.g. detergents, the comparison price is calculated per recommended dose according to the normal dosage of the product.
    5. For products to be diluted with liquid, the comparison price is calculated per quantity of consumable product or standard solution.
    6. For food in spade, broth or other additive; for example, fish balls in broth, vegetables/fruit in layers, meat in jelly, pickles, etc., Type of comparison can be specified as drained weight. As there are two size specifications on the product sample, one of which corresponds to the specified value in the article information, the status is given OK. Updated 2024-02-24
  3. If Price comparison content type is not specified, the status is set to Action required, with the exception of (Swedish Consumer Agency Price Info Guide – 2012): products containing less than 50 g or 50 ml, packages containing several different items, and for products sold mainly for their cosmetic properties.

2.3 Marks

Rule 735700 Packaging marked label accreditation (T3777)

RuleRule refers to
If there is an accredited marking stated on the sample the value specified for Packaging marked label accreditation (T3777) in the trade item information should correspond with the sample. If there is no marking on the sample, there shouldn´t be a value specified for Packaging marked label accreditation (T3777) in the trade item information.

How the verification is done:

  1. Visuall verification if there are one or more markings on the sample which are included in the code list Packaging marked label accreditation (T3777). Accredited markings used in Sweden are quality assured, excluding Global Gap, IP Class and ProTerra non GMO.
  2. If the packaging is assessed to have Packaging marked label accreditation, it is verified that there is a code value specified for T3777 in the trade item information.
  3. If there is a marking on the sample, it is verified that the correct code value is selected in the trade item information.
    1. Exception: If the sample is marked with an FSC-marking referring only to the packaging material, Packaging marked label accreditation (T3777) does not need to be specified in the trade item information.
  4. If there is more than one marking, it is verified that all the code values are specified correctly in the trade item information.
  5. Verification that no code value has been selected for Packaging marked label accreditation (T3777) in the trade item information that is not on the sample.
  6. For a marking to be considered as being on the sample, it must have exactly the same design as specified by the issuing party.

Examples of accredited marking:

“Falken”“Det överkorsade axet”“KRAV”

Rule 736001 Is diet type marked on package (T4312)

RuleRule refers to
If diet type claim is marked on the sample the value for Is diet type marked on package (T4312) shall have value Yes/True in the trade item information. If the claim is not marked on the sample the value for Is diet type marked on package (T4312) shall have value No/False.

How the verification is done:

  1. Verification that a sample marked with a diet claim has the value yes/true in Is diet type marked on package (T4312) in the trade item information. Status Action required is given if the mark is missing on the sample.
  2. If the sample is not marked with a claim stated in trade item information, the value in Is diet type marked on package (T4312) shall have value No/False. Status Action required is given if there is a mark on the sample.
Rule 736002 Diet type code (T4066)
RuleRule refers to
If Diet type is stated on the product sample, the code value entered in Diet type code (T4066) in the trade item information must correspond to the product sample.

How the verification is done:

  1. Visual verification if there are any markings on the sample that are in the code list T4066 Diet type code.
  2. If the sample has a diet type marking, it is verified that the code value in T4066 in the trade item information is correct.
  3. If there is more than one marking, verify that all code values are specified correctly in the trade item information.
  4. If the sample has no diet claim, but there is a value in T4066 in the trade item information, it is verified that Is diet type marked on package (T4312) is No/False and status is set to N/A. If Is diet type marked on package (T4312) has value Yes/True the status is set to Action required.
  5. Verification of conformity between the sample and the code value as follows:
Filled code valuePrecise specifcation on the sample (specifications in a foreign
language is accepted only if the spelling differs slightly
from Swedish, for example. Tea/Tea, Tomato/Tomat)
HalalSymbol with Halal gives status OK.
KosherThe status will be Action required for an obviously incorrect code value, in other case the status is N/A.
Nutrional supplementsThe status will be Action required for an obviously incorrect code value (for example, if the code value is used on a box of matches that is not labeled), in other case the status is N/A.
Mothers milk substitute/Infant formula”Modersmjölksersättning”, ”Produkten är godkänd som modersmjölksersättning” or similar phrases containing the word “modersmjölksersättning” gives status OK.
Vegan”Vegan”, “Produkten är vegansk”, ”Product is vegan” or similar phrases or symbol containing the word vegan gives status OK.
Vegetarian“Vegetarisk”, ”Vegetarian”, “Produkten är vegetarisk”, ”Product is vegetarian” or similar phrase or symbol containing the word vegetarian gives status OK.
Without BeefThe status will be Action required for an obviously incorrect code value (for example, if the code value is used on an item that is not food), in other case the status is N/A.
Without porkThe status will be Action required for an obviously incorrect code value (for example, if the code value is used on an item that is not food), in other case the status is N/A.

Rule 736003 Is claim marked on package (T4357) Update 2023-05-22

RuleRule refers to
If nutritional claim is marked on the sample the value in Is claim marked on package (T4357) in trade item information shall be Yes/True. If nutritional claim is not marked on the sample the value in Is claim marked on package (T4357) shall be No/False.

How the verification is done:

  1. If the sample is marked with e.g. a “Free from”-claim it is verified that Is claim marked on package (T4357) in trade item information is Yes/True. If there is no claim on the sample the status is Action required.
  2. If the sample is not marked with a claim it is verified that Is claim marked on package (T4357) in trade item information is No/False. If there is a claim on sample the status is Action required.

Rule 736004 Nutritional claim type code (T4358) Update 2023-05-22

RuleRule refers to
Nutritional claim type code (T4358) in trade item information connected to Nutritional claim nutrient element code (T4359) shall conform to the marking on the sample.

How the verification is done:

  1. If there is a claim on the sample it shall correspond to value in Nutritional claim type code (T4358) in trade item information, according to guidelines in code list in Rule 736004 Nutritional claim nutrient element code (T4359)
  2. If the sample has no claim and Is claim marked on package (T4357) is No/False the status is N/A.
Rule 736005 Nutritional claim nutrient element code (T4359) Update 2023-05-22
RuleRule refers to
If Nutritional claim is marked on the sample, the value in Nutritional claim nutrient element code (T4359) in trade item information shall correspond with sample. If there is no claim on sample and Is claim marked on package (T4357) is Yes/True, then Nutritional Claim nutrient element code shall have no value.

“Fri från” statements on products for the Swedish market are linked to regulations, limit values and an obligation to report to the Swedish Food Safety Authority (except for the two code values regarding healthcare items). The regulations for what can be labelled “Fri från” constitute sections 14-16§§ of the Swedish Food Safety Authority´s regulations (LIVSFS 2014: 4) on food information (see www.livsmedelsverket.se).

Quality assurance does not check whether “Free from”, “Reduced”, “Low”, “Very Low” and “Contains” labeling on a product sample is relevant or whether the product meets criteria. However, it is checked that if any code is entered in the article information, there must be a corresponding marking on the product sample. Other languages ​​that differ slightly from Swedish are also checked for consistency, e.g. “Free from”/”Fri fra” and “Low”/”Lav”/”Lágt”. Which marking is deemed to correspond to the various code values ​​is indicated in the table below. Updated 2024-02-24

How the verification is done:

  1. Visual verification if there are any markings on the sample that are included in the code list for Nutritional claim nutrient element code (T4359).
  2. If packaging has claim, it is verfied that value in Nutritional claim nutrient element code (T4359) in trade item information corresponds with sample.
  3. If there is more than one marking, it is verified that all the code values are specified correctly in the trade item information.
  4. Verification that no value is stated in Nutritional Claim nutrient element code (T4359) in trade item information that does not correspond to sample if Is claim marked on package (T4357) has value Yes/True.
  5. If Is claim marked on package (T4357) has value No/False and no claim is marked on sample the status is N/A.
  6. Verification of conformity between the sample and code value as follows:
Nutritional claim
type code
Nutritional claim
nutrient element
BPAFree from

”Fri från BPA”, ”BPA fritt”, ”Free from BPA”, ”BPA free”, or similar phrases gives status OK.

The status will be Action required for an obviously incorrect code value, in other case the status is N/A.

Free from, contains
”Fenylalaninfattig”, ”Lågt innehåll av fenylalanin”, “Low on Phenylalanine” or similar phrases indicating low doses of Phenylalanine gives status OK.

The status will be Action required for an obviously incorrect code value, in other case the status is N/A.
FishFree from

”Fri från fisk” or a similar phrase containing the words fri(tt) and fisk, gives status OK. However eg “Free from fish” in English gives the status Action required if the code value is specified.
GlutenFree from

”Glutenfri(tt)” ”Fri från gluten” gives the status OK. However, “Gluten free”, “Free from gluten” in English, ”innehåller inte gluten”, ”naturligt fri från gluten” gives the status Action required if the code value is specified.
PeanutsFree from

”Fri från jordnötter” ”Jordnötfri(tt)” or a similar phrase containing the words fri(tt) and jordnöt, gives the status OK. However eg “Nut free” in English gives the status Action required.
LactoseFree from

Reduced, Low, Very low

”Fri från laktos” ”Laktosfri(tt)” or similar phrase containing the words fri(tt) and laktos, gives the status OK. . However, ”Free from lactose” in English, ”Låglaktos” or ”Laktosreducerad” gives the status Action required.

”Laktosreducerad”, “Låglaktos” or inflection thereof gives the status OK. However eg “Laktosfri” or “Low lactose” in English gives the status Action required.
LatexFree from

”Fri från latex” ”Latexfri(tt)” ”Free from latex” or similar phrases indicating that the product is free from latex all give the status OK.

The status will be Action required for an obviously incorrect code value, in other case the status is N/A.
MilkFree from
”Fri från mjölk” ”Mjölkfri(tt)” or similar phrase containing the words fri(tt) and mjölk, gives the status OK. However eg “Free from milk/dairy” in English gives the status Action required.
FragranceFree from

”Fri från parfym”, ”Parfymfritt”, ”Oparfymerad”, ”Free from perfume”, “Free from fragrance”, “Fragrance-free”, ”Perfume-free”, ”no perfume”, “no fragrance”, ”Ingen parfym”, ”Doftfri” or similar phrase gives the status OK.

The status will be Action required for an obviously incorrect code value, in other case the status is N/A.
with and without phthalates (health care)
Free from

”Fri från PVC”, ”PVC-fri(tt)”, ”Free from PVC”, ”Polyvinylklorid-fri” or similar phrases indicating that the product is free from PVC all give the status OK.

The status will be Action required for an obviously incorrect code value, in other case the status is N/A.
SoyaFree from”Sojafri(tt)”, ”Fri från soja” or similar phrase containing the words fri(tt) and soja gives the status OK. However eg “Free from soya” in English gives the status Action required.

Reduced. Very low, contains
”Låg sockerhalt” gives status OK. However ”Low sugar” and ”sugar free” gives status Action required.

The status will be Action required for an obviously incorrect code value, in other case the status is N/A.
SweetenersContainsThe status will be Action required for an obviously incorrect code value, in other case the status is N/A.
EggsFree from
”Fri från ägg” “Äggfri” or similar phrase containing the words fri(tt) and ägg, gives status OK. However eg “Free from egg” in English gives the status Action required if the code value is specified.
Legume/Pea proteinFree from
“Fri från baljväxtprotein”, “Fri från ärtprotein” ”Ärtproteinfri(tt)” or similar phrase containing the words fri(tt) and baljväxtprotein or ärtprotein (ärta), gives the status OK. However eg “Free from legume protein” and “Free from pea” in English gives the status Action required.

Rule 735552 Packing function (T4124)

RuleRule refers to
If the sample is marked that it is packed in a modified atmosphere the code value MODIFIED_ATMOSPHERE should be specified for Packaging function (T4124) in the trade item information and vice versa, i.e. if the sample is not marked that it is packed in a modified atmosphere the code value should not be specified for Packaging function (T4124) in the trade item information.

How the verification is done:

  1. If the sample is marked with the words ”förpackad i en skyddande atmosfär”, it is verified that the code value MODIFIED_ATMOSPHERE is specified for T4124.
  2. If the sample is not marked with the words ”förpackad i en skyddande atmosfär”, it is verified that the code value MODIFIED_ATMOSPHERE isn´t specified for T4124.
  3. If a code value other than MODIFIED_ATMOSPHERE is specified in the trade item information, the status will be N/A (not applicable).

Rule 735533 Returnable package deposit identification (T0148)

RuleRule refers to
If a code has been specified for Returnable package deposit identification (T0148) in the trade item information it should correspond with the deposit symbol on the sample and vice versa, i.e. if the sample has a deposit symbol the same code value must be specified in Returnable package deposit identification (T0148).

How the verification is done:

  1. Visual verification if the packaging is marked with a deposit symbol or if the package is a known returnable package.
  2. If the packaging is assessed to have deposit identification, it is verified that there is a code value specified for T0148 in the trade item information.
  3. If the packaging is assessed to have deposit identification, it is verified that the right code value is selected in the trade item information.
  4. It is verified that no code value has been selected for Returnable package deposit identification (T0148) in the trade item information that is not on the sample. If the sample has no deposit but a code value is specified for T0148 the status is Action required.

2.4 Storage

Maximum and minimum storage temperature indicates how the product should be stored and kept. The information is for warehouse, distribution and stores, the information is not addressed to consumers. If you want to specify the temperature printed on the consumer item, use the attribute T3775 Consumer Storage Instructions in the trade item information.

Rule 735701 Maximum temperature (T3796)

RuleRule refers to
If the trade item is an orderable unit and the sample is marked with a maximum storage temperature, the specified value for Maximum temperature (T3796) in the trade item information should correspond with the sample.

How the verification is done:

  1. If the sample is marked with a maximum storage temperature, it is verified that there is a specified value for T3796 in the trade item information.
  2. If the sample is marked with a maximum storage temperature and there is a specified value for T3796 in the trade item information, it is verified that it matches the value on the sample.
  3. Integers are not equated with a decimal point followed by zero(s), i.e. sample = 18.0 and trade item information = 18 gives Action required, and vice versa.
  4. If the specified value in the trade item information has higher accuracy than what is printed on the sample, e.g.18 degrees on the sample but 18.4 degrees in the trade item information they are not corresponding which gives the status Action required.
  5. Rounded degrees in the trade item information, are equated since the Guidelines for Trade Item information recommends integers. E.g. 18.4 on the sample and 18 in the trade item information gives the status OK. For half degrees on the sample e.g. 18.5 both a value rounded up and down is accepted, i.e. both 18 and 19 in the trade item information give the status OK.
  6. If the sample is not marked with a storage temperature but there is a specified value in the trade item information the status will be N/A (cannot be verified).

Rule 735703 Minimum temperature (T3797)

RuleRule refers to
If the trade item is an orderable unit and the sample is marked with a minimum storage temperature, the specified value for Minimum temperature (T3797) in the trade item information should correspond with the sample.

How the verification is done:

  1. If the sample is marked with a minimum storage temperature, it is verified that there is a specified value for T3797 in the trade item information.
  2. If the sample is marked with a minimum storage temperature and there is a specified value for T3797 in the trade item information, it is verified that it matches the value on the sample.
  3. Integers are not equated with a decimal point followed by zero(s), i.e. sample = 18.0 and trade item information = 18 gives Action required, and vice versa.
  4. If the specified value in the trade item information has higher accuracy than what is printed on the sample, e.g.18 degrees on the sample but 18.4 degrees in the trade item information they are not corresponding which gives the status Action required.
  5. Rounded degrees in the trade item information, are equated since the Guidelines for Trade Item information recommend integers. E.g. 18.4 on the sample and 18 in the trade item information gives the status OK. For half degrees on the sample e.g. 18.5 both a value rounded up and down is accepted, i.e. both 18 and 19 in the trade item information give the status OK.
  6. If the sample is not marked with a storage temperature but there is a specified value in the trade item information the status will be N/A (cannot be verified).

Rule 735902 Temperature qualifier code (T3822)

RuleRule refers to
If the trade item is an orderable unit and the sample is marked with storage temperature T3796 and/or T3797, the code value STORAGE_HANDLING should be specified for Temperature qualifier code (T3822).

How the verification is done:

  1. If minimum and/or maximum storage temperature is specified in the trade item information, it is verified that the code value STORAGE_HANDLING is chosen for T3822.
  2. If the sample is not marked with a storage temperature but there is a specified value in the trade item information the status will be N/A (cannot be verified).

2.5 Packaging hierarchy

Rule 735501 Quantity of next lower level trade item (T3361)

RuleRule refers to
Quantity of next lower level trade item (T3361) specified in the trade item information should be the same number of next lower level trade items as in the sample.

How the verification is done:

  1. The specified quantity of next lower level trade item that is printed or written on the outer packaging or its label must correspond exactly with the amount specified in T3361 in the trade item information.

Rule 735521 Child trade item, GTIN (T2045)

RuleRule refers to
Child trade item, GTIN (T2045) in the trade item information should correspond to the child trade item specified on the sample.

How the verification is done:

  1. If the sample is marked with child trade item GTIN, a comparison is made between the GTIN that is printed or written on the outer packaging or its label and the GTIN specified in T2045 and they must correspond exactly.
  2. If there is no indication on the label, Child trade item, GTIN cannot be verified, and the status will be N/A.

2.6 Food and beverage information

Rule 735004 Ingredient statement (T4088)

RuleRule refers to
If there is an ingredient statement on the sample, the exact same text should be specified for Ingredient statement (T4088) in the trade item information.