Easier to maintain high data quality throughout the entire product life cycle October 12, 2021We have updated our quality assurance service and made it easier for you to keep your product data constantly up to date and accurate.What does this mean for you as a customer?If you update your product information for an already quality-assured and approved product, you will now have the status “Action required” in the quality assurance service. You then have to place a booking for a new quality assurance to get status OK again. This makes it clearer and easier to maintain a high data quality throughout your product’s life cycle. Mischa Danofsky, Product Owner, talks about the benefits of the update and what it means for you as a customer (In Swedish).CostsIf your products last quality assurance was after 19 April 2021, the new booking is included in the price throughout the entire product life cycle.If your products last quality assurance was before 19 April 2021, it was done according to the old pricing model and the new booking is not included. However, you will only be charged for one new booking per product, and then all future bookings are included.Frequently asked questionsWhat will it cost to change my trade item information on an already quality-assured product? For all orders made after 19 April 2021, all new bookings are included in the price you have already paid. That way, you can ensure that you always have updated status/information in Validoo.What does it cost if I have an older product that was quality assured before this breaking point? If your products last quality assurance was before 19 April 2021, it was done according to the old pricing model and new bookings are not included. However, you will only be charged for one new booking, and future bookings are included.When will this feature be launched? 28 September 2021If I have quality assured a product between 19 April and 28 September 2021 but changed the trade item information after that, will it be updated in connection with the launch? No, all changes made during this period will not change or affect the status. We do ask you to update your product information and place a new booking so that we can perform a new quality assurance, to maintain high data quality. Go to FAQ page >