Meet Gabriella Rainea who works as a Commercial Support Specialist. Gabriella’s team is working daily with GS1 standard for trade item information and the Validoo database service to help their company use the standard. Here she tells us more about her everyday life at Nestlé Sverige.
Tell us a bit about Nestlé Sverige
Nestlé products are designed to provide consumers with a quality product that both tastes good and benefits a healthy lifestyle. Our organisation market and sell a number of strong brands such as Zoéga’s coffee, Nescafé, and confectionery such as Smarties and Lion. Nestlé is also pointed at cafés, hotels and restaurants through Nestlé Professional.
What is your role at the company?
My role relates to the commercial side of the business, where I mainly work to coordinate the processes around product launches regarding the categories ‘Baby Food’, ‘Hälsans Kök’ and ‘Resorb’.
The process of product launches is divided according to different revision areas that contain a number of revisions that continue throughout the year. This means that my team and I announce news, outbound articles and listings to the Swedish grocery industry.
In addition to the work with product launches, our team works to support the commercial business in different ways. The work includes, among other things, ensuring correct product prices and discounts for our customers on the Swedish market, as well as maintaining continuous invoice processing.
To sum up, my role at the company can be described as a “spider in the web”, as it includes a number of different areas, tasks and contact surfaces. It’s also what makes this role exciting, challenging and fun.
Who are your customers?
Our users are distinguished by a variety of customers in the Swedish retail and grocery industry. We work with both major players in the market such as ICA, Axfood, and COOP, to e-retailers and pharmacy chains such as Mathem and Apoteket.
Our users also include physical and digital wholesalers in the restaurant industry, such as Menigo Foodservice and Martin & Servera.
All users who have subscribed to Nestlé products can view the latest version of trade item information.
How does Nestlé Sverige use the Validoo DataEntry service from GS1 Sweden?
Me, together with my team, useValidoo DataEntry input system on a daily basis. The service helps us create, manage, edit and send trade item information to our customers in Validoo. The information is then used by customers in their stores and digital channels.
My team often starts with information management several weeks before a product launch. In this way, we can create the product digitally in Validoo with good anticipation and make it directly visible to our subscribed customers.
The trade item information contains all the detailed information about the new product to be launched on the Swedish market. The information covers everything from item product description, shelf text, packaging type, temperature, durability, product dimensions and weight, market text, ingredient list, allergens and much more.
What would you say are the main benefits of the service?
Validoo contributes to great benefits for Nestlé Sweden and how we communicate our product information to our customers. The system makes it easy and convenient for us in our team to input the right information from scratch, as there is a direct validation of trade item information as soon as we choose to publish.
If something is not correct in our trade item information, such as that we have failed to fill in required fields or that dimensions and weight are not correct, Validoo automatically reacts which ensures that the right information is in place when publishing.
The information we have registered then helps our customers to, among other things, with proper storage of the product, shelf planning, online marketing and the right text on shelf labels. Ultimately, all these factors contribute to greater efficiency for both us as users and our subscribers as we can gather all the necessary information in one place.
A big advantage of the system is also that we can go back to our published VCD (grocery trade certificate), press change and edit afterwards. At launch, it can be a certain time pressure for us to be able to create everything in Validoo, which allows us to come back later in the process to complete our information and market text.
A big advantage is that we can also save our created VCD in drafts, which means that we do not have to publish traade item information right away. We have the possibility to wait until we have all the information we need to be able to publish.
Last but not least; What’s your top advice for a fun workday?
My best tip for a good working day is to start the day with a thought that makes you enthusiastic and motivated about going to the office, this usually creates a happy and positive feeling that you maintain for the rest of the day. This can be anything from the fact that you managed to tick off a tedious task from the day before, to finally see your colleagues again after a few days’ absence from the office.
In conclusion, it is about trying to appreciate the little things in your everyday life, and not putting too much pressure on yourself over everything you have to do and accomplish, you can only do your best.
My second tip is to set different goals and milestones for the day or week. It can be goals that you express in a todo list or long-term goals, this is entirely up to you and how you personally like to plan and perform your tasks.
But above all, being in a good team that you really enjoy is the key to success in my opinion. Even during busy periods, my team is in place and can make a gray day a thousand times better, by just being there – and always with a cup of Zoégas coffee!