Transport flow (Documentation)

Here are the guidelines and technical specifications for Transport Flow. Most of the specifications have been developed by an international working group, while the Transport Invoice has been developed by a national working group.

To get a complete picture of how the specifications are to be used, the guide for the Transport Flow should also be read.

Specifications developed by an international working group

Specifications for the business messages developed in the international project can be downloaded from GS1´s global website.  Scroll down to the heading Logistics Messages on the global website and click on the links to download specifications for the following business messages:

Transport Planning

Transport Execution

For Transport Instruction and Transport Instruction Response there is also a detailed implementation guide developed.

Transport Instruction and Response Implementation Guide

Specifications are based on GS1 XML.

Specifications developed by a national working group

The specifications for Transport Invoice, developed by a national working group, can be found below. Transport Invoice is based on EANCOM.

  • Business document specification (BDS) describes the information which should be included in the electronic business documents sent between business systems. The overview describes the structure of a business document in a transparent way.
  • TMessage specification (MS) defines how the business terms in the business document specification are mapped to an EDIFACT message.
  • The change history describes the changes that have been made to the specifications compared to the previous version.
  • The corrections describe corrections made to the specifications.
  • The specifications are write-protected, but there are editable copies which can be used for your own notes.
Fundamental specificationsLast modified
Message receipt notification AT 0.1.22008-09-09
Control message MS 112008-09-01

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