T4390 Packaging claim type code

Code valueNameDescriptionUsed in Sweden
MADE_WITHMade with/fromA claim that the packaging is manufactured with/from a specific feature, and any claim likely to have the same meaning for the consumer. Please refer to any local regulations that determine containment levels for the claim.X
MADE_WITH_100_PERCENTMade with/from 100%A claim that the packaging is 100% manufactured with/from a specific feature, and any claim likely to have the same meaning for the consumer. Please refer to any local regulations that determine containment levels for the claim.X
PARTIALLY_MADE_WITHPartially made with/fromA claim that the packaging is partially manufactured with/from a specific feature, and any claim likely to have the same meaning for the consumer. Please refer to any local regulations that determine containment levels for the claim.X
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