T4231 Production method for fish and seafood code

Code valueNameDescriptionUsed in Sweden
AQUACULTUREAquacultureRefers to any technology or facility used for the harvesting and/or production of aquatic resources within controlled environments. Examples of aquaculture include fish, oyster and shrimp farming, seaweed farming and aquaponics. The term aquaculture is mutually exclusive with “Inland Fishery” and “Marine Fishery” given that aquaculture always involves in a controlled environment and not catch or production in the wild.X
AQUACULTURE_CAGES_DAM_SYSTEMSAquaculture cages - (open) dam systemsAquaculture cages - (open) dam systems. WWF (World Wide Fund For Nature) accepted designation for aquaculture production system.
AQUACULTURE_CAGES_FULL_LIFECYCLEAquaculture cages - full lifecycleAquaculture cages - full lifecycle. WWF (World Wide Fund For Nature) accepted designation for aquaculture production system.
AQUACULTURE_CAGES_WILD_JUVENILESAquaculture cages - wild juvenilesAquaculture cages - wild captured juveniles. WWF (World Wide Fund For Nature) accepted designation for aquaculture production system.
AQUACULTURE_FLOAT_TRAY_RAFT_ROPE_BOTTOM_WILDAquaculture float/tray/raft/rope/bottom-wildAquaculture float/tray/raft/rope/bottom - wild captured juveniles. WWF (World Wide Fund For Nature) accepted designation for aquaculture production system.
AQUACULTURE_FLOAT_TRAY_RAFT_ROPE_BOTTOM-FULLAquaculture float/tray/raft/rope/bottom-100%Aquaculture float/tray/raft/rope/bottom - full lifecycle production. WWF (World Wide Fund For Nature) accepted designation for aquaculture production system.
AQUACULTURE_PONDS_EXTENSIVEAquaculture ponds - extensive productionAquaculture ponds - extensive production. WWF (World Wide Fund For Nature) accepted designation for aquaculture production system.
AQUACULTURE_PONDS_INTENSIVEAquaculture ponds - intensive productionAquaculture ponds - intensive production. WWF (World Wide Fund For Nature) accepted designation for aquaculture production system.
AQUACULTURE_PONDS_SEMI_INTENSIVEAquaculture ponds - semi-intensive productionAquaculture ponds - semi-intensive Production. WWF (World Wide Fund For Nature) accepted designation for aquaculture production system.
AQUACULTURE_RACEWAYSAquaculture racewaysAquaculture raceways. WWF (World Wide Fund For Nature) accepted designation for aquaculture production system.
AQUACULTURE_RECIRCULATINGAquaculture recirculating systemsAquaculture recirculating aquaculture systems. WWF (World Wide Fund For Nature) accepted designation for aquaculture production system.
AQUACULTURE_RECIRCULATING_AQUAPONICAquaculture recirculating systems - AquaponicAquaculture recirculating systems - aquaponic. WWF (World Wide Fund For Nature) accepted designation for aquaculture production system.
AQUACULTURE_TANKSAquaculture tanksAquaculture tanks. WWF (World Wide Fund For Nature) accepted designation for aquaculture production system.
INLAND_FISHERYInland FisheryAny industrial or small-scale/artisanal or recreational fishery devoted to the harvesting in the wild of aquatic resources operating on inland freshwater ecosystems including both fresh or limnetic waters. Inland freshwater ecosystems are any that include natural flowing or lotic waters such as rivers or streams (including their smaller elements such as springs, brooks, rivulets, or rills), artificial canals, and static or lenitic waters such as natural lakes and tarns and artificial lakes or reservoirs such as rivers, lakes, etc.X
MARINE_FISHERYMarine FisheryAny industrial or small-scale/artisanal or recreational fishery devoted to the harvesting in the wild of aquatic resources operating on marine saltwater ecosystems (i.e. open sea/pelagic zone).X
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