1 | Heat sensitive | The object is heat sensitive. | |
11 | Refrigeration required | Item must be refrigerated for proper handling. | |
12 | Refrigeration NOT required | Item does not need to be refrigerated for proper handling. | |
2 | Store in dry environment | The object must be stored in dry environment. | |
3 | Stacked | The identified item is, or can be stacked. | |
AVI | Live animal | Live animal (GS1 Code) | |
BAT | Batch Number (GS1 Code) | Product managed by batch number | |
BIG | Outsized | Outsized (GS1 Code) | |
CCC | Keep the Container Carefully Closed | To keep the intrinsic qualities of the product, keep the container carefully closed | |
CLP | Use Clamp Lift | A clamp lift is a powered industrial truck used to embrace, lift and move materials short distances | |
CRU | Crushable (GS1 Code) | Crushable (GS1 Code) | |
CYT | Cytotoxic Do Not Touch, Swallow or Breathe | If the product is cytotoxic, it must not be touched, swallowed or breathed in. | |
DAE | Dangerous article | A code indicating that an article is dangerous. | |
DCE | Delivery via distribution centre | Delivery via distribution centre (GS1 Code) | |
DDE | Direct delivery | Direct delivery (GS1 Code) | |
DEA | Do Not Store in Air | The product must be stored away from air to keep its intrinsic qualities | |
DES | Destroy | The identified goods are to be destroyed according to specified instructions. | |
DNC | Do Not Close With Cork | To keep the intrinsic qualities of the product, the product must not be closed with cork. | |
DND | Do Not Drill or Burn Even After Use | The product must not be drilled or burnt even after use. | |
DNE | Do not resterilize | To keep the intrinsic qualities of the product, the product must not be resterilized. | |
DNF | Do Not Freeze | The identified product should not be frozen. | |
DNO | Do Not Fold | A part of the trade item may not be doubled or laid over another part. | |
DNR | Do Not Refreeze | The product must not be frozen again after having been defrosted. | |
DNS | Do Not Shake | The product must not be shaken. | |
DNU | Do Not Use if the Solution is Cloudy | The product must not be used if the solution is cloudy | |
DSS | Do Not Store With the Sachet Open | The product is not to be stored in opened packaging. | |
EAT | Foodstuffs (GS1 Code) | Foodstuffs (GS1 Code) | |
EL | Environmental Control Limits | Environmental control limits are applicable to the identified product. | |
ENANO | Packaging Material Contains Engineered Nano Particles | The packaging material of the identified product contains engineered nanoparticles. | |
ETH_A | Absorbs Ethylene | The identified product absorbs ethylene. | |
ETH_E | Emits Ethylene | The identified product emits ethylene. | |
ETH_N | Ethylene Neutral | The identied product is ethylene neutral. | |
ETH_P | Produces Ethylene | Item produces siginificant amount of ethylene. | |
ETH_S | Ethylene Sensitive | Item is sensative to ethylene. | |
FAC | Factory package (GS1 Code) | tem isn’t packed for end consumer. Repacking might be necessary (GS1 Code) | |
FCC | Freezing Under Certain Conditions | The product can be frozen under certain conditions. | X |
FL | Flammable | The identified product is flammable. | |
FPC | Store in freezer | The product should be stored in the freezer. | |
FRL | Unloading Equipment - Forklift | A forklift (also called a lift truck, a fork truck, or a forklift truck) is a powered industrial truck used to lift and move materials short distances | |
FRO | Frozen product (GS1 Code) | The identified products is frozen and should be kept frozen (GS1 Code). | |
FTD | Frost danger (GS1 Code) | Frost danger (GS1 Code) | |
HAZ_D | Hazardous during Disposal | The identified product is hazardous during disposal. | |
HAZ_H | Hazardous during Handling | The identified product is hazardous during handling. | |
HAZ_S | Hazardous during Storage | The identified product is hazardous during storage. | |
HAZ_T | Hazardous during Transport | The identified product is hazardous during transport. | |
HEA | Heavy cargo/150 kg and over per piece (GS1 Code) | Heavy cargo/150 kg and over per piece (GS1 Code) | |
HGA | Hanging garment (GS1 Code) | The identified product(s) should be handled as a hanging garment. | |
HM | Endorsed as Hazardous Material | The identified product is endorsed as hazardous material. | |
HWC | Handle with care (GS1 Code) | Handle with care (GS1 Code) | |
IC | Transport on Ice. | The identified product is handled/transported in ice. | |
IU | For Immediate Use | The product must be used immediately | |
KFC | Place the Flask in its Original Case After Use | To keep the intrinsic qualities of the product, place the flask in its original case after use | |
LAB | Label (GS1 Code) | The identified product is/are to be labelled. | |
LBL | Apply a GS1 Serial Shipping Container Label to the Shipping Containers | The shipping container the identified product is handled/transported in must be affixed with an SSCC label. | |
LIQ | Trade Item Contains Liquid | Declaration that trade items containing a liquid be stated. Some transportation companies do not allow shipments containing liquids or require special handling. | |
LYG | Lying (GS1 Code) | The identified product(s) should be kept in a lying position. | |
MF | Multiple facings (GS1 Code) | The item has multiple facings (views) for presentation in the shelf | |
MOV | Move (GS1 Code) | The identified product is to be moved according to instructions specified. | |
MP | Potential Marine Pollutant | The identified product is a potential marine pollutant. | X |
NES | Nestable (GS1 Code) | A package which can be stacked into similar package types e.g. applies for dishes, plates, bowls or buckets. | |
NSD | Nesting depth (GS1 Code) | The item can be stacked into each other (e.g. plates, bowls or buckets). The nesting refers to the depth of the item's facing (main view). | |
NSH | Nesting height (GS1 Code) | The item can be stacked into each other (e.g. plates, bowls or buckets). The nesting refers to the height of the item's facing (main view). | |
NSW | Nesting width (GS1 Code) | The item can be stacked into each other (e.g. plates, bowls or buckets). The nesting refers to the width of the item's facing (main view). | |
NWP | Newspapers, magazines (GS1 Code) | Newspapers, magazines (GS1 Code) | |
ODO_A | Absorbs Odour | The identified product absorbs odour. | X |
ODO_E | Emits Odour | The identified product emits odour. | X |
ODO_N | Odour Neutral | The identified product is odour neutral. | |
OHG | Overhang item (GS1 Code) | Overhang item (GS1 Code) | |
OSB | Stow Below Deck | The identified product must be stowed below deck when transported on a cargo ship. | |
OTC | Temperature Control | Temperature control applies during handling, transport and storage of the identified product, from production to consumption, within a defined temperature range. | X |
PACE | Pack (GS1 Code) | The identified product is to be packed according to the instructions provided. | |
PCB | Put the Cap Back on Carefully After Use | To keep the intrinsic qualities of the product users must put the cap back on carefully after use | |
PER | Perishable cargo (GS1 Code) | Perishable cargo (GS1 Code) | |
PFH | Protect From Heat | The identified product must be protected from heat. | |
PFS | Prepare for shipment (GS1 Code) | The identified product(s) is(are) to be prepared for shipment. | |
PG | Poisonous Gas | The identified product is/contains poisonous gas. | |
PHR | Per Hour Rate Applies | A per-hour rate applies for handling the identified product. | |
PI | Poisonous by Inhalation | The identified product is poisonous by inhalation. | |
PIC | Pick (GS1 Code) | The identified product is to be picked. | |
PKS | Pick in sequence (GS1 Code) | The identified product is to be picked according to a specific sequence. | |
PRS | The Solution Must be Prepared Immediately Before Use | To keep the intrinsic qualities of the product the solution must be prepared immediately before use | |
PSC | Pest controlling (GS1 Code) | Pest controlling (GS1 Code) | |
RCY | Recyclable packaging (GS1 Code) | Recyclable packaging (GS1 Code) | |
RES | Reserve (GS1 Code) | Reserve identified goods according to specified instructions. | |
RFG | Flammable compressed gas (GS1 Code) | Flammable compressed gas (GS1 Code) | |
RFL | Flammable liquid (GS1 Code) | Flammable liquid (GS1 Code) | |
RFS | Flammable solid (GS1 Code) | Flammable solid (GS1 Code) | |
RPB | Poison (GS1 Code) | Poison (GS1 Code) | |
SAC | Store Away From Cold | The product must be stored away from cold | |
SAN | Sandwich Pallet Allowed (GS1 Code) | Sandwich pallet allowed | |
SCB | Ships to Consumer in Bag | The product is shipped direct to the consumer in a bag. | |
SER | Serial Number (GS1 Code) | Product managed by serial number | |
SGU | Storage General Use (GS1 Code) | Product is to be stored according to instructions specified (GS1 Code) | |
SHP | Trade Item Shippable Package | The trade item comes in a self packaged shipping container. The trade item does not need to be re-packaged to ship to end consumer. | |
SID | Store in the Daylight | The product must be stored in the daylight | |
SLT | Sensitive to light (GS1 Code) | The product is sensitive to light. | |
SNM | Transmit a Ship Notice/Manifest Transaction Set | A Ship Notice or Manifest Transaction Set must be transmitted for the identified product. | |
SOP | Store in Original Packaging | The product may NOT be repackaged and must be stored in its original packaging. | |
SRT | Store at Room Temperature | The product must be stored at room temperature | |
SSN | Smell sensitive | Smell sensitive | |
STR | Stacking restricted (GS1 Code) | Stacking restricted (GS1 Code) | |
SW | Stretch Wrap | The identified product is wrapped in stretch wrap. | |
TRD | Transit or cross docking delivery (GS1 Code) | The identified product is to be delivered via a transit or cross docking facility. | |
UNP | Unpack (GS1 Code) | The identified product is to be unpacked from the identified package. | |
UPR | Upright/standing (GS1 Code) | The identified product should be kept in an upright or standing position. | |
UST | Unstackable (GS1 Code) | Unstackable (GS1 Code) | |
VAL | Valuable cargo (GS1 Code) | Valuable cargo (GS1 Code) | |