T3825 Regulation type code

Code valueNameDescriptionUsed in Sweden
ANIMAL_ID_HEALTH_MARKHealth or identification mark for food of animal originFood business operators, in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 853/2004, should ensure that all products of animal origin that they place on the market, bear either a health mark or an identification mark.X
AEROSOL_REVERSE_EPSILONProducts complying with all the requirements of the Aerosol Directive are marked with the "reverse epsilon" symbol
AGRICULTURE_PROTECTION_REGULATIONProducts complying with EU Council Directive 91/414/EEC. This directive concerning the placing of plant protection products on the market lays down rules and procedures for approval of the active substances at EU-level and for the authorisation at Member State level of plant protection products (PPPs) containing these substances. This Directive states that substances cannot be used in plant protection products unless they are included in a positive EU list. Once a substance is included in the positive list Member States may authorise the use of products containing them.
ALCOHOL_BEVERAGES_INFORMATION_REGULATIONAlcohol beverages information regulationRegulation providing the basis for the assurance of a high level of consumer protection in relation to alcohol beverages information, taking into account the differences in the perception of consumers and their information needs whilst ensuring the smooth functioning of the market. General principles, requirements and responsibilities governing alcohol beverages information, and in particular alcohol labelling rules are established (e.g. EU regulation 2021/2117).
ANIMAL_CONFINEMENT_REGULATIONAnimal Confinement RegulationThe product has an animal confinement regulation designation. For example in the US, California Proposition 12 regulation requires veal calves, breeding pigs, and egg-laying hens to be housed in systems that comply with specific standards for freedom of movement, cage-free design, and specified minimum floor space.
BATTERY_DIRECTIVEDirective describing the legal requirements on batteries intended to made available on the market provided that such products are labelled, marked or accompanied with commercial documents. Essentially safety and environmental aspects are defined (e.g. obligation of the seller to take batteries back, proscription to throw batteries into the household garbage) for different type of batteries (e.g. batteries used by the end consumer, batteries used in cars). In Germany the law on batteries (BattG) details these rules.
BIOCIDE_REGULATIONThe purpose of this Regulation (EU Reg 528/2012) is to harmonise the rules on making available on the market and using biocidal products, whilst ensuring a high level of protection of both human and animal health and the environment. These rules compasses the establishment a list of active substances which may be used in biocidal products and the authorisation of biocidal products.
BUY_AMERICAN_ACTBuy American ActThe Buy American Actrequires the United States government to prefer U.S.-made products in its purchases. This includes the Berry Amendment to the Act in the provisioning of products for the US government and federal programs like the National School Lunch. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buy_American_Act
BUY_AMERICAN_PROVISION_USDABuy American Provision USDAThe Buy American Provision in accordance with the USDA is Section 104(d) of the William F. Goodling Child Nutrition Reauthorization Act of 1998 (Public Law 105-336) added a provision, Section 12(n) to the National School Lunch Act (NSLA) (42 USC 1760(n)), requiring school food authorities (SFAs) to purchase, to the maximum extent practicable, domestic commodities or products. This Buy American provision supports the mission of the Child Nutrition Programs, which is to serve children nutritious meals and support American agriculture. https://www.fns.usda.gov/school-meals/compliance-enforcement-buy-american
CECEThe CE marking is the manufacturer's, distributor's or EU authorised representative's declaration that the product meets EU standards for health, safety, protection of consumers and environmental protection in accordance with the regulation. The CE mark indicates that the product may be sold freely in any part of the European Economic Area, regardless of its country of origin. The mark consists of the CE logo and, if applicable, the four-digit identification number of the notified body involved in the conformity assessment procedure.X
COMPLIANT_WITH_FAIR_LABOR_STANDARDS_ACTThe FLSA established a national minimum wage guaranteed 'time-and-a-half' for overtime in certain jobs, and prohibited most employment of minors in "oppressive child labor," a term that is defined in the statute. It applies to employees engaged in interstate commerce or employed by an enterprise engaged in commerce or in the production of goods for commerce, unless the employer can claim an exemption from coverage.
COMPLIANT_WITH_FUR_PRODUCT_LABELING_ACTRequires the country of origin of imported furs to be disclosed on all labels and in all advertising
COMPLIANT_WITH_TEXTILE_FIBER_PRODUCT_IDENTIFICATIONA US regulation regarding the advertising and labelling of textile fibre products.
COMPLIANT_WITH_WOOL_PRODUCTS_LABELING_ACTA US regulation that requires anyone who manufacturers or sells products containing wool to accurately label each item with the fibre content and origin
CONTAINS_COMPOSITE_WOODContains Composite WoodDescribes that the trade item or packaging contains composite wood that falls under regulatory menas due to chemicals used in process to create the wood, such as Formaldehyde has both cancer and noncancer-causing effects on human health. For example: California Air Resources Board is a department of the California Environmental Protection Agency. CARB’s mission, US EPA. https://www.epa.gov/formaldehyde
CONSUMER_PRODUCT_SAFETYA regulation concerning consumer product safety when a government regulates certain products for safety like child car seats, baby cribs etc., For example in the US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC): official Federal Agency including recalls, reports, alerts about products regulated.
COSMETIC_INFORMATION_REGULATIONRegulation (EU Reg 1223/2009) establishing rules to be complied with any cosmetic product made available on the market, a high level of protection of human health and a high degree of protection of the environment. These rules include the necessity to indicate allergens and the displaying of the ingredients used in the product.
DECLARATION_OF_PERFORMANCE_REQUIREDDeclaration of performance (DOP) requiredA Declaration Of Performance (DOP) is legally required. See target market regulations for applicability.
DEFORESTATION_REGULATIONDeforestation regulationRegulation minimising the contribution to deforestation and forest degradation worldwide, and thereby contributing to a reduction in global deforestation; reducing the contribution to greenhouse gas emissions and global biodiversity loss (e.g., EU regulation 2023/1115).X
DETERGENTS_SAFETY_REGULATIONRegulation establishing rules designed to achieve the free movement of detergents and surfactants for detergents in the market while, at the same time, ensuring a high degree of protection of the environment and human health. For example (EU Reg 648/2004).
E_MARKThe Estimated Sign (℮) (also referred to as "e-mark") is a mark that sometimes can be found on pre-packed goods in Europe. The e-mark indicates that the packaging is filled according to the European Directive 76/211/EEC.
EFFICIENCY_OF_LAMPS_LUMINARIESA directive defining the energy labeling of electrical lamps and luminaires (e.g. EU Reg 874/2012). This directive deals with environmental aspects as the electricity used by electrical lamps accounts for a significant share of total electricity demand.
EMC_DIRECTIVEThe main objective of the Directive 2004/108/EC of the European Council, of 15 December 2004, is to regulate the compatibility of equipment regarding EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility).
ENCLOSED_ATTACHED_INFORMATIONEnclosed Attached InformationIndicates the product contains enclosed or attached information available for regulatory compliance where applicable.
ENERGY_GUIDE_LABEL_REQUIREDEnergy Guide Label RequiredA code that indicates that a trade item is in compliance with energy efficiency guide and is labelled as such.
EU_REGULATION_FOR_FOODSTUFFRegulation (EC) No 178/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28 January 2002 laying down the general principles and requirements of food law, establishing the European Food Safety Authority and laying down procedures in matters of food safety. For the purposes of this Regulation, "food" (or "foodstuff") means any substance or product, whether processed, partially processed or unprocessed, intended to be, or reasonably expected to be ingested by humans. "Food" includes: drink, chewing gum and any substance, including water, intentionally incorporated into the food during its manufacture, preparation or treatment. It includes water after the point of compliance.
EXPLOSIVES_PRECURSORS_REGISTRATIONRestricted explosive precursorsThe product is concerned with the marketing and use of explosives precursors and must be registered by the economic operator. Explosives precursors are chemical substances that can be used for legitimate purposes, but that can also be misused to manufacture homemade explosives. For example restricted explosive precursors listed in Annex I of the Regulation (EU) No 2019/1148.X
EXPLOSIVES_PRECURSORS_REPORTINGReportable explosive precursorsThe product is concerned with the marketing and use of explosives precursors and must be reported by the economic operator. Explosives precursors are chemical substances that can be used for legitimate purposes, but that can also be misused to manufacture homemade explosives. For example reportable explosive precursors listed in Annex II of the Regulation (EU) No 2019/1148.X
FEED_SAFETY_REGULATIONFeed Saftey RegulationRegulation (EU Reg 767/2009) to harmonise the conditions for the placing on the market and the use of feed, in order to ensure a high level of feed safety and thus a high level of protection of public health, as well as to provide adequate information for users and consumers.X
FOOD_FOR_SPECIAL_PURPOSESRegulation providing the basis for the assurance of a high level of consumer protection in relation to specialized food like food for infants and young children, food for special medical purposes, and total diet replacement for weight control (e.g. EU Reg 609/2013).
FOOD_INFORMATION_REGULATIONRegulation providing the basis for the assurance of a high level of consumer protection in relation to food information. General principles, requirements and responsibilities governing food information, and in particular food labelling rules are established (e.g., EU regulation 1169/2011). These rules include the necessity to indicate allergens, the responsible food business operator, the name of the food, the displaying of the ingredients and additives used.
FOOD_LABELLING_UNDER_2_YEARS_OF_AGEFood Labelling Under 2 Years of AgeFoods, other than infant formula, represented or purported to be specifically for infants and children less than 2 years of age shall bear nutrition labelling.
FOOD_LABELLING_UNDER_4_YEARS_OF_AGEFood Labelling Under 4 Years of AgeFoods, other than infant formula, represented or purported to be specifically for infants and children less than 4 years of age shall bear nutrition labelling.
FOOD_SUPPLEMENT_DIRECTIVEFood supplements (EU directive 2002/46/EC) marketed as foodstuffs and presented as such. These products shall be delivered to the ultimate consumer only in a pre-packaged form. Consumer health and safety aspects are in focus as well as to provide adequate information on how to use the product properly.
FREE_PHARMACEUTICAL_PRODUCTS_DIRECTIVEDirective describing the legal requirements on pharmaceutical products which are commercially available and intended to made available on the market provided that such products are labelled, marked or accompanied with commercial documents. General Consumer safety aspects are in focus like the dosage form linked with an application instruction (e.g. Do not use with alcohol). In Germany the law on medical products (AMG) details these rules.
FRENCH_SPARE_PARTS_REGULATIONFrench Spare Parts RegulationDecree No. 2014-1482 of 9 December 2014 on the information and supply obligations concerning spare parts indispensable for the use of a good
HAZARDS_CLASSIFICATION_LABELLING_REGULATIONHazards classification, labelling and packaging regulationRegulation providing the basis to ensure that workers and consumers are clearly informed of the hazards associated with chemicals by means of a system of classification and labelling. The aim is to ensure that the same hazards are described and labelled in the same way in all concerned countries (e.g. Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2008 on Classification, Labelling and Packaging (CLP) of substances and mixtures).
HERBICIDE_REGULATIONHerbicide RegulationThe item is a substance used to control unwanted plants that are subject to regulation.
INFANT_FORMULA_LABELLINGInfant formula LabellingInfant formula except foods, shall be labelled in compliance with regulations.
INTENDED_TO_COME_INTO_CONTACT_WITH_FOODRequires that food contact materials a re safe; Must not transfer their components into food in quantities that could endanger human health, change food composition in an unacceptable way or deteriorate its taste and odour. Are manufactured according to good manufacturing practice.
LVD_DIRECTIVEThe Low Voltage Directive (LVD) 2006/95/EC provides common broad objectives for safety regulations, so that electrical equipment approved by any EU member country will be acceptable for use in all other EU countries. The Low Voltage Directive does not supply any specific technical standards that must be met, instead relying on IEC technical standards to guide designers to produce safe products. Products that conform to the general principles of the Low Voltage Directive and the relevant particular safety standards are marked with the CE marking to indicate compliance and acceptance throughout the EU. Conformance is asserted by the manufacturer based on its conformity assessment.
MARKET_AUTHORISATIONMarket AuthorisationThe trade item has been authorised to be sold by a regulatory agency to be distributed in a market.
MEDICAL_DEVICE_SAFETYMedical device safetyA directive establishing common rules on the safety, health protection and performance characteristics of medical devices in order to provide the safety and health protection of patients, users and, where appropriate, other persons, with regard to the use of medical devices ((e.g. Medical Device Regulation (EU) 2017/745) and in-vitro diagnostic devices (e.g. In vitro Diagnostic Device Regulation (EU) 2017/746)).
MINIMUM_DURABILITYMinimum DurabilityIndicates the product has a regulatory requirement to show to the consumer the best to use before period so they obtain the full functionality of the product.
NANO_MATERIALS_PRESENCENano Materials PresenceIndicates the presence of nano materials by the levels acceptable by the appropriate regulation.
NOT_APPLICABLENot ApplicableNot Applicable.
PESTICIDE_REGULATIONPesticide RegulationThe item is a substance used to control unwanted pests that are subject to regulation.
PACKAGING_SAFETY_DIRECTIVEPackaging Safety DirectiveThe product represented in its packaging and/or marketing as appropriate for use by persons as defined by regulatory agency? Includes packaging, display, photography, licensed characters, promotion or advertising (in-store or ad) as appropriate for use by persons. An example is the Consumer Product Safety Commission regulation: https://www.cpsc.gov/Regulations-Laws--Standards/Statutes/Poison-Prevention-Packaging-Act/Child-Resistant-and-Senior-Friendly-Packages-packaging-guide/.
PERIOD_SAFE_TO_USE_AFTER_OPENINGPeriod Safe To Use After OpeningIndicates the product has a regulatory requirement to show to the consumer that product is denoted to have a period of time after opening before it becomes harmful to the consumer.
PHARMACEUTICAL_PRODUCT_DIRECTIVEIn contrast to the free pharmaceutical directive this directive describing the legal requirements on pharmaceutical products available only in pharmacies. These products have stronger regulations and restrictions to consumer safety aspects. For example the dosage recommendation needs to be explained in detail by the sales staff as well as possible interaction with other pharmaceutical products.
PRODUCT_LABELING_REGULATIONProduct Labelling RegulationA code indicating the trade item is compliant with the food labelling regulation.
PRODUCT_OF_DAILY_USE_DIRECTIVEDirective describing the legal requirements on the products of daily use focusing on consumer safety (e.g. do not use with …, not used by children). An example is the German directive BedGgstV.
PROP_65Proposition 65 (Prop 65) [US California]Containing specific toxicants for a product which contains carcinogens and/or reproductive toxicants established in California’s Proposition 65 (Prop 65), The Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act, enacted in 1986. This Act requires the state to publish a list of chemicals known to cause cancer or reproductive harm. Prop 65 applies to suppliers who sell products in the state if their products exceed safe harbour levels established in Prop 65. Safe harbour levels establish thresholds for no significant risk levels (NSRLs) for carcinogens and maximum allowable dose levels (MADLs) for chemicals that cause reproductive toxicity.
REGULATED_BY_AGENCYRegulated by AgencyThe trade item is regulated by the agency stated in the regulatoryAgency attribute.
RETURNING_OF_ELECTRONICAL_PRODUCT_DIRECTIVE Directive of the returning of electronic products ensuring a high degree of protection of the environment. This directive defines returning quotes of returning electronical products needs to be fulfilled by the industry and by retailers (e.g. ElektroG in Germany).
ROHS_DIRECTIVEIs not a quality mark but a European directive 2002/95/EC (stands for Restriction of Hazardous Substances). This directive restricts (with exceptions) the use of six hazardous materials like lead, cadmium and mercury in the manufacture of various types of electronic and electrical equipment.
SAFETY_DATA_SHEET_REQUIREDSafety data sheet requiredA Safety Data Sheet (SDS) is legally required. See target market regulations for applicability.
SCATTERED_POLLUTION_REGULATIONScattered pollution regulationDecree No. 2011-1650 of 25 November 2011 on the procedures for declaring and paying back the non-point pollution charge and for keeping the registers referred to in Articles L. 254-3-1 and L. 254-6 of the Rural and Maritime Fisheries Code.
SMALL_PARTSSmall Parts RegulationA small part is any object that fits completely into a specified size by regulation that approximates the size of the fully expanded throat of a child of age specified by regulation. A small part can be a whole toy or article, a Separate part of a toy, game, or other article or a piece of a toy or article that breaks off during testing that simulates use or abuse by children. Example in US See 16 C.F.R. 1501.4.
SECURITY_OF_ELECTRONIC_PRODUCTS_DIRECTIVEDirective on the safety of electronic products covering consumer health as well as environmental aspects (e.g. German law on product safety ProdSG).
STUFFED_ARTICLE_LABELLINGStuffed article labellingA code indicating the product labelling is regulated related to the fill material contained within the product, e.g., US and Canada law label.
TEXTILE_LABELLING_REGULATIONTextile labelling regulationRegulation (EU Reg 1007/2011). This Regulation lays down rules concerning the use of textile fibre names and related labelling and marking of fibre composition of textile products, rules concerning the labelling or marking of textile products containing non-textile parts of animal origin and rules concerning the determination of the fibre composition of textile products by quantitative analysis of binary and ternary textile fibre mixtures, in order to provide accurate information to consumers.
TOBACCO_DIRECTIVETobacco DirectiveThe directive or regulation aims to improve the functioning of tobacco products within a market while ensuring a high level of public health protection. Example: European Directive 2014/40/EU on the manufacture, presentation and sale of cigarettes, roll-your-own tobacco, pipe tobacco, cigars, cigarillos, smokeless tobacco products, electronic cigarettes and plant-smoked products.
TOY_SAFETY_DIRECTIVEToy safety directiveDirective, which applies to products designed or intended, whether or not exclusively, for use in play by children under 14 years of age. Health and safety aspects of the child are in focus Amongst others security aspects of toys are defined (e.g. Warning: small components may be swallowed) as well as substances, which are not allowed to use in toys (e.g. softening agents).
TRACEABILITY_REGULATIONTraceability RegulationIndicates that a trade item is subject to government rules and regulations regarding traceability.X
TRADE_ITEM_CONSIDERED_UNPACKEDTrade item considered unpackedThe trade item is considered as unpacked by regulation, even if physical packaging may exist. (E.g. European Regulation on fresh fruit and vegetables EU 1169, EU 543, EU 852).
TRADE_ITEM_TESTED_DIRECTIVETrade Item Tested DirectiveThe product has conformed to testing requirements to meet regulation needs. An example is the Consumer Product Safety Commission https://www.cpsc.gov/Regulations-Laws--Standards/Statutes/The-Consumer-Product-Safety-Improvement-Act/.
TREATED_WITH_BIOCIDE_REGULATIONBiocide regulation treated articleRegulation concerning the making available on the market and use of biocidal products. To enable consumers to make informed choices, to facilitate enforcement and to provide an overview of their use, treated articles should be appropriately labelled. (e.g. Regulation (EU) No 528/2012).
TREATED_WITH_HERBICIDE_REGULATIONTreated with Herbicide RegulationTrade item has been treated with herbicide(s) that are subject to regulation.
TREATED_WITH_PESTICIDE_REGULATIONTreated with Pesticide Regulation.Trade item has been treated with pesticide(s) that are subject to regulation.
UK_CONFORMITY_ASSESSEDUK Conformity AssessedThe UKCA (UK Conformity Assessed) marking is the UK product marking required for goods being placed on the market in Great Britain (England, Wales and Scotland) fully replacing the European CE marking from 1 January 2023. The UK CA marking supports fair competition by holding all companies accountable to the same rules. Reference: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/uk-conformity-assessment and https://www.gov.uk/guidance/using-the-ukca-marking.
UNDERWATER_LIGHTINGThe European standard EN 60598-2-18 is recognized by most countries as the safety standard for underwater lighting.
UVAEU 647 Cosmetic industry worked closely with the European Commission, and COLIPA, currently called COSMETICS EUROPE proposed a UVA labelling symbol. This indicates that the level of UVA protection provided by a product is at least 1/3 ratio of its SPF. Manufacturers will show that their products meet the SPF/UVAPF ratio by displaying the letters “UVA” inside a circle whose diameter should not exceed the height of the SPF number.
VEHICLE_LICENSE_PLATE_REGISTRATIONVehicle License Plate RegistrationProvides proof of the registered motorized vehicle plate number.
VEHICLE_LIGHTING_COMPLIANTVehicle Lighting CompliantVehicle lighting meets regulatory compliance in road and off road safety. Example in the US is SAE-DOT
VOLATILE_ORGANIC_COMPOUND_COMPLIANTOrganic chemicals that have a high vapor pressure at ordinary, room-temperature conditions. Their high vapor pressure results from a low boiling point, which causes large numbers of molecules to evaporate or sublimate from the liquid or solid form of the compound and enter the surrounding air
WARRANTY_REQUIREMENTSWarranty requirementsRequirements which specify the product's warranty type (i.e., implied, express, etc.) and any terms and conditions applicable. Please refer to local regulations.
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