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Validoo for retailers

For those who want to receive product information and images
Get started

About Validoo

As a retailer, wholesaler or e-retailer, you want to be able to trust that the product data and images you receive from your suppliers are up to date and follow the GS1’s standard for trade item information.

You can do this by becoming a customer of GS1 Sweden and using the Validoo service. Our product database and image bank allows you to retrieve quality-assured trade item information and images for hundreds of thousands of products.

Quick facts

Opportunities with Validoo

For you as a recipient of product data.

  • Receive information from Sweden’s largest database for products and images that comply with the GS1 standard.

  • Better planning of stocks and deliveries with validated information at the consumer, case and pallet level.

  • Get pre-information about products and images in assortment review and shelf planning.

  • Better sales and product data quality with quality-assured images and product data.

  • Get synchronized product data from other markets via global network of GDSN data pools.

  • Plan the store and optimize surfaces with information and images for planograms.

  • Work in a modern web-based interface that gives you an overview of the product catalog.

Subscriptions for retailers and other recipients

Validoo Buyer

The Validoo Buyer subscription gives you access to a subscription service where you receive suppliers trade item information and quality-assured images that comply with the global GS1 standard. As a recipient of the service, you get detailed information about products both before and after launch. You also have access to a media bank with product images linked to the trade item information – all in one user interface.

  • Complete and validated product data

In your user interface, you have access to all trade item information registered at consumer, case and pallet level. The information you receive is auto-validated and the images are manually checked according to the global GS1 standard and guidelines for your industry.

  • Trade item information and images before launch

Receive product data and images by activating subscriptions to the suppliers you are interested in. When the supplier addresses you, you can access trade item information and images both before and after the product is launched.

  • Product data from foreign suppliers

Validoo serves as a data pool in the global network, Global Data Synchronization Network (GDSN®), giving all markets access to the same data in real time. This means that in addition to Swedish suppliers you can receive trade item information from foreign suppliers connected to GDSN.

Service description for Validoo Buyer

Validoo Receiver

The Validoo Receiver subscription gives you access to a subscription service where you receive suppliers trade item information and quality-assured images that comply with the global GS1 standard. As a recipient of the service, you will receive information about products that have already been launched. You also have access to a media bank with product images linked to the trade item information – all in one user interface.

  • Validated product data

In your user interface, you have access to all trade item information registered for their consumer items and up to the highest orderable level. The information you receive is auto-validated and the images are manually checked according to the global GS1 standard and guidelines for your industry.

  • Trade item information and images after launch

Receive product data and images by activating subscriptions to the suppliers you are interested in. You will automatically access available images and trade item information after the product is launched.

Service description for Validoo Receiver

Options Validoo Buyer

As a complement to Validoo Buyer you can choose Validoo Qlab Buyer which gives you manually checked trade item information. You then get a third party who checks that the digital information you receive matches with the actual package. Quality-assured trade item information is used in connection with assortment revisions, for shelf and logistics planning and in the sales channels for consumers.

Service description Validoo Q-lab Buyer

    Get started with Validoo

    The journey to a quality assured existence

    1. First, make sure that there is a GS1 Company Prefix (number series) for your company. If you subscribe to GS1 Company Prefix you automatically have a localization number (GLN) to identify you as a buyer in Validoo.
    2. Order a GS1 Company Prefix from GS1 Sweden if you don’t already have it.
    3. Use the form to contact us regarding the service you are interested in. We will help you get started and sign agreements.
    4. When you have signed an agreement, get help from the Connection Guidelines to get started.

    Do you want to connect your company to Validoo?

    Briefly describe how you wish to use the product information from Validoo. Our customer team will contact you with a proposal that meets your needs.

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