Quality assurance in Validoo will be easier from today after a major system update. Look forward to achieve high quality on digital Trade Item Information and barcodes in a quick and simple way.
A user friendly interface, automated corrections and simplified booking are some of the new features in this update. The quality assurance service has now moved from a separate system into Validoo’s secure and modern IT platform.
Easier to succeed
The service is designed for users who need high product data quality through manual quality assurance of GS1 Trade Item Information and barcodes.
From now on it is easier and more frictionless to achieve an approved status on your product data. Get to know a new interface designed for;
- easy to use and learn
- higher data quality
- time saving
… and less manual administration in product launches.
Tobias Granqvist talks about why data quality is so important (in Swedish)Save time
Less time for administration gives more time to focus on your business. Both beginners and more experienced users will discover an intuitive design that provides a higher degree of self-service.
Discover new automated features to guide you through the process and reduce the number of manual mistakes. This will help you save time that you surely need for other things while launching a new product.
In order for you to get started right away, we have developed a series of demo videos that will take you through the news in the service.
Tobias Granqvist and Mischa Danofsky show the news in the service (in Swedish)More efficient launch process
The new version of the service has been developed to simplify and streamline product launches. And of course, with users’ needs as a background. Quality assurance of a product before the introducing it to the market has long been a step in the launch process for both the grocery and pharmacy industries. Digital information about products needs to be accurate and on time for brand owners who follow the ECR time window.
There is a strong need in the industry to simplify and speed up the quality assurance process.
– Tobias Granqvist, Product Manager GS1 Sweden
Product data needs to be accurate in order to meet todays demands from authorities, businesses and consumers. Here it is necessary that the information management is efficient and streamlined in order not to create extra time pressure.
“There is a strong need in the industry to simplify and speed up the quality assurance process. With the new service, we take quality assurance to the 21st century. It should be easy to prepare your product before launch,” says Tobias Granqvist, Product Manager at GS1 Sweden.
News in the quality assurance service:
- Simplified booking through a better overview of the status of your products and ready-made action proposals. For example, if you already have approved measurements for a product, you do not need to send in the same package for measurement if you are to launch a new variant.
- Automated function for simple corrections allows you to get approved faster without time-consuming administration of re-orders.
- Digital product samples are used to a greater extent, which reduces the need to send in physical product samples.
- Clearer results of the quality assurance with proposals for workarounds
- Early control of received product samples allows you to get feedback quickly if something is wrong with a product sample.
- New and more useful reports gives you valuable insights on how data and barcode quality can be improved for the long run.
Quality Assurance in Validoo – how it works
Validoo is Sweden’s largest database service for sharing product information and images that comply with GS1 standards. The services in the platform help brand owners validate and send product data and images to retailers and other recipients.
Quality Assurance is the manual control of your digital trade item information compared to physical samples, prototypes or print originals. As logged in to Validoo, you order quality assurance of Trade Item Information and get feedback on your results.
A specialist helps to verify that the completed data is correct and complies with the GS1 standard for Trade Item Information. On a daily basis, thousands of companies in Sweden are helped to create efficient and accurate information flows. And millions of consumers receive clear and secure information.
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