How do I use call-off/order confirmation with changes?

The supplier uses a call-off confirmation with changes (ESAP 6) or an order confirmation with changes (ESAP 20) to inform the buyer about changes to the call-off or order. The supplier might e.g. want to change the delivery date or quantity. The following examples show how various types of changes are handled with call-off/order confirmation with changes.

Example 1: Entire call-off/order delivered on a different date from that requested (pdf) >

Example 2: An ordered item is delivered on a different date from that requested ( (pdf) >

Example 3: Entire call-off/order delivered on a different, unknown, date from that requested (back-ordering) (pdf) >

Example 4: Some quantity of an item in a call-off/order delivered on a different date from that requested (part-delivery) (pdf) >

Example 5: Some quantity of an item in a call-off/order delivered on a different, unknown, date from that requested (back-ordering) (pdf) >

Example 6: Some quantity of an ordered item is rejected (will not be delivered) (pdf) >

Example 7: An ordered item is completely rejected (will not be delivered) (pdf) >

Example 8: All items are rejected (the entire call-off/order is rejected) (pdf) >

Example 9: An ordered item is replaced by a different one(pdf) >

Example 10: An ordered item is partially replaced by a different one (pdf) >

Example 11: An ordered item is partially replaced by a different one. Some quantity of the ordered item will not be delivered at all (pdf) >

Example 12: An ordered item is partially replaced by a different one which will be delivered at a later date. Some quantity of the ordered item will not be delivered at all (pdf) >

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