An updated version of our quality assurance service is now available. This means you can achieve higher quality product data and barcodes more easily and quickly.
The updated service makes it easier for you to get the approved status and quality of your product information. You will get to know a new, modern and user-friendly interface with features designed for;
- easier use
- higher data quality
- time saving
… and reduced administration for product launches.
The value of quality assuranceGuide: how the new interface works
To help you get started quickly and easily, GS1 Sweden has developed a series of demo videos to guide you through the new features of our updated Validoo quality assurance service.
Go to the guide >Industry needs
Product launches often take place under time pressure and the updated service has been developed to streamline the launch process. It needs to be easy and time-efficient to quality assure your product before sales start and ECR deadlines.
In addition, several industries have a growing need for high data quality to meet the demands of authorities, consumers and the outside world.
There is a strong need in the industry to simplify and speed up the quality assurance process. With the new service, we’re taking quality assurance into the 20th century, making it easy to prepare your product for launch.
Tobias Granqvist, Product Manager GS1 Sweden
Several improvements in the updated service
Validoo quality assurance users will notice a number of improvements with the updated service.
Several functions are automated, reducing manual errors and increasing data quality. You’ll be greeted by an interface with a clearer design and smart features to guide you through the process.
It’s simply easier to get it right and to get an approved status, which means you can spend more time on your business and less time on administration.
News in the Quality Assurance Service:
- Easier booking through a better overview of your products’ status and ready-made action proposals. For example, if you already have approved measurements for a product, you don’t need to submit a similar package for measurement if you are launching a new variant.
- Automated simple corrections help you get approved faster without time-consuming re-order administration.
- Digital samples are increasingly used, providing secure readings and reducing the need to send in physical samples.
- Clearer quality assurance results with proposals for action
- Early receipt control of samples allows you to get quick feedback if something is wrong with a sample.
- New and more useful reports give you valuable insights into how data and barcode quality can be improved over time.
Operational status
On the operational information page, we update you on all system and operational details before the transition to a new service.