T4373 Prescription type code

Code valueNameDescriptionUsed in Sweden
HOSPITAL_PRESCRIPTIONHospital PrescriptionAvailable only through a hospital when prescribed by a doctor.
HOSPITAL_PRESCRIPTION_REQUIRED_FOR_FIRST_PRESCRIPTIONHospital Prescription Required For First PrescriptionThis pharmaceutical or medical device must be prescribed for the first time at a hospital.
NO_PRESCRIPTION_REQUIREDNo Prescription RequiredNo prescription is needed for this trade itemX
PRESCRIPTION_REQUIRED_ANY_LICENSED_PRESCRIBERPrescription Required Any Licensed PrescriberA prescription is required and may be prescribed by any licensed prescriber.
PRESCRIPTION_UNDER_MONITORINGPrescription Under MonitoringThe healthcare product can be prescribed only after specific exams. The result of the exam (such as radiography, blood count, scanner, etc.) will determine if the product can be prescribed or not.
SPECIALIST_PRESCRIPTION_REQUIREDSpecialist Prescription RequiredMedical Device of pharmaceutical must be prescribed under the direction of a specialist authorised to prescribe the trade item.
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