ASSEMBLY | Assembly | Country where product is assembled. | |
BIRTH | Birth | | |
BOTTLING | Bottling | The place in which the beverage is bottled. | |
CATCH_ZONE | Catch zone | The sea zone in which the seafood in the trade item was caught. | |
CUTTER | Cutter | The place where the cutting operation on the carcass or group of carcasses is performed. e.g. approval number of the cutting hall acc. to Regulation EC No 1760/2000 of the European Parliament. Note: The animal is not killed at this location. | |
FARMING | Farming | The cultivation of animals, plants, fungi, and other life forms. | X |
HUNTED_GATHERED | Hunted/Gathered | The place where wild animals may be hunted/trapped/caught or where wild vegetation may be gathered/harvested/picked. | |
IMPORTATION | Importation | The country from where the trade item has been purchased by the importer. This is different from the "Last Processing" if the product is somehow altered, prepared, or assembled before it is imported. Example: A case of 12 bottles of wine is made in France (Country of Origin: France), and a Canadian company purchased/imported the same case from Italy (Country of Import: Italy). | X |
LAST_PROCESSING | Last processing | The ISO 3166-1 code that identifies the country in which the trade item was last processed and tested before importation. | |
MILKING | Milking | Milking is the act of removing milk from mammary glands of various animal types. | |
REARING | Rearing | The place the animal was raised after birth to the end of the animals’ life. The place may be a country, region (land or sea), city, etc. The actual rearing place(s) of a particular animal would be transactional. Guidance: If the animal was raised in multiple locations, one instance of the attribute should be populated (e.g. reared in Spain and Portugal). If the animal may have been raised in a single location but for a particular animal it is transactional, it is suggested to populate the attribute for each possibility of location an animal may have come from (e.g. Instance 1 - reared in Spain, instance 2 - Reared in Portugal). Note: the term animal includes but is not limited to mammals, birds, fish and crustaceans | |
SLAUGHTER | Slaughter | The place the animal was killed to be processed for food or other purposes. The place may be a country, region (land or sea), city, etc. The actual slaughter place of a particular animal would be transactional. Note: the term animal includes but is not limited to mammals, birds, fish and crustaceans. | |