01 | Surrounding Nets | Surrounding Nets | X |
02 | Seine nets | Seine nets | X |
03 | Trawls | Trawls | X |
04 | Dredges | Dredges | X |
05 | Lift nets | Lift nets | X |
07 | Gillnets and Entangling Nets | Gillnets and Entangling Nets | X |
08 | Traps | Traps | X |
09 | Hooks and lines | Hooks and lines | X |
DRB | Boat dredges | Boat dredges | X |
DRH | Hand dredges | Boat dredges | X |
DX | Dredges (not specified) (GS1 Code) | Dredges (not specified) (GS1 Code) | |
FAR | Traps: Aerial traps | Traps: Aerial traps | X |
FCN | Cast nets | Cast nets | X |
FG | Falling gear (not specified) | Falling gear (not specified) | X |
FIX | Traps (not specified) | Traps (not specified) | |
FPN | Traps: Stationary uncovered pound nets | Traps: Stationary uncovered pound nets | X |
FPO | Traps: Pots | Traps: Pots | X |
FSN | Traps: Stow nets | Traps: Stow nets | X |
FWR | Traps: Barriers, fences, weirs, etc. | Traps: Barriers, fences, weirs, etc. | X |
FYK | Traps: Fyke nets | Traps: Fyke nets | X |
GDS | Gillnets: Set (anchored) gillnets: demersal gillnets | Gillnets: Set (anchored) gillnets: demersal gillnets. WWF (World Wide Fund For Nature) accepted designation for wild catch fishing gear. | |
GSP | Gillnets: Set (anchored) gillnets: pelagic gillnets | Gillnets: Set (anchored) gillnets: pelagic gillnets. WWF (World Wide Fund For Nature) accepted designation for wild catch fishing gear. | |
GEN | Gillnets and entangling nets (not specified) | Gillnets and entangling nets (not specified) | |
GN | Gillnets (not specified) | Gillnets (not specified) | X |
GNC | Encircling gillnets | Encircling gillnets | X |
GND | Driftnets | Driftnets | X |
GNF | Fixed gillnets (on stakes) | Fixed gillnets (on stakes) | X |
GNS | Set gillnets (anchored) | Set gillnets (anchored) | X |
GTN | Combined gillnets-trammel nets | Combined gillnets-trammel nets | X |
GTR | Trammel nets | Trammel nets | X |
HAR | Harpoons | Harpoons | X |
HMD | Mechanized dredges | Mechanized dredges | X |
HMP | Pumps | Pumps | X |
HMX | Harvesting machines (not specified) | Harvesting machines (not specified) | X |
LA | Surrounding Nets- without purse lines (lampara) | Surrounding Nets- without purse lines (lampara) | X |
LHM | Handlines and pole-lines (mechanized) | Handlines and pole-lines (mechanized) | X |
LHP | Handlines and pole-lines (hand-operated) | Handlines and pole-lines (hand-operated) | X |
LL | Longlines (not specified) | Longlines (not specified) | X |
LLD | Drifting longlines | Drifting longlines | X |
LLS | Set longlines | Set longlines | X |
LN | Lift nets (not specified) | Lift nets (not specified) | |
LNB | Boat-operated lift nets | Boat-operated lift nets | X |
LNP | Portable lift nets | Portable lift nets | X |
LNS | Shore-operated stationary lift nets | Shore-operated stationary lift nets | X |
LTL | Trolling lines | Trolling lines | X |
LX | Hooks and lines (not specified)3 | Hooks and lines (not specified)3 | |
LY | Surrounding nets and lift nets (not specified) (GS1 Code) | Surrounding nets and lift nets (not specified) (GS1 Code) | X |
MHI | Hand implements | Hand implements (Wrenching gear, clamps, tongs, rakes, spears). | |
MIS | Miscellaneous Gear | Miscellaneous Gear | X |
NK | Gear Not Known or Not Specified | Gear Not Known or Not Specified | X |
OT | Midwater trawls: Otter trawls (not specified) | Midwater trawls: Otter trawls (not specified) | X |
OTB | Bottom trawls - otter trawls | Bottom trawls - otter trawls | X |
OTM | Midwater trawls- otter trawls | Midwater trawls- otter trawls | X |
OTT | Midwater trawls: Otter twin trawls | Midwater trawls: Otter twin trawls | X |
PS | Surrounding Nets with purse lines (purse seines) | Surrounding Nets with purse lines (purse seines) | X |
PS1 | Surrounding Nets - one boat operated purse seines | Surrounding Nets - one boat operated purse seines | X |
PS2 | Surrounding Nets - two boats operated purse seines | Surrounding Nets - two boats operated purse seines | X |
PT | Midwater trawls: Pair trawls (not specified) | Midwater trawls: Pair trawls (not specified) | X |
PTB | Bottom trawls - pair trawls | Bottom trawls - pair trawls | X |
PTM | Midwater trawls- pair trawls | Midwater trawls- pair trawls | X |
RG | Recreational Fishing Gear | Recreational Fishing Gear | X |
SB | Seine Nets: Beach seines | Seine Nets: Beach seines | X |
SDN | Seine Nets - Danish seines | Seine Nets - Danish seines | X |
SPW | Seine Nets: Purse seines - without FADs | Purse seines without FADs (Fish Aggregation Devices). WWF (World Wide Fund For Nature) accepted designation for wild catch fishing gear. | |
SPWF | Seine Nets: Purse seines - with FADs | Purse seines with FADs (Fish Aggregation Devices). WWF (World Wide Fund For Nature) accepted designation for wild catch fishing gear. | |
SPR | Seine Nets - pair seines | Seine Nets - pair seines | X |
SSC | Seine Nets - Scottish seines | Seine Nets - Scottish seines | X |
SV | Seine Nets: Boat or vessel seines | Seine Nets: Boat or vessel seines | X |
SX | Seine nets (not specified) | Seine nets (not specified) | |
TB | Bottom trawls - bottom trawls (not specified) | Bottom trawls - bottom trawls (not specified) | X |
TBB | Bottom trawls - beam trawls | Bottom trawls - beam trawls | X |
TBN | Bottom trawls - nephrops trawls | Bottom trawls - nephrops trawls | X |
TBS | Bottom trawls - shrimp trawls | Bottom trawls - shrimp trawls | X |
TM | Midwater trawls- midwater trawls (not specified) | Midwater trawls- midwater trawls (not specified) | X |
TMS | Midwater trawls- shrimp trawls | Midwater trawls- shrimp trawls | X |
TSP | Pulse trawls | Pulse trawls. WWF (World Wide Fund For Nature) accepted designation for wild catch fishing gear. | |
TX | Midwater trawls: Other trawls (not specified) | Midwater trawls: Other trawls (not specified) | X |