T4230 Catch method code

Code valueNameDescriptionUsed in Sweden
01Surrounding NetsSurrounding NetsX
02Seine netsSeine netsX
05Lift netsLift netsX
07Gillnets and Entangling NetsGillnets and Entangling NetsX
09Hooks and linesHooks and linesX
DRBBoat dredgesBoat dredgesX
DRHHand dredgesBoat dredgesX
DXDredges (not specified) (GS1 Code)Dredges (not specified) (GS1 Code)
FARTraps: Aerial trapsTraps: Aerial trapsX
FCNCast netsCast netsX
FGFalling gear (not specified)Falling gear (not specified)X
FIXTraps (not specified)Traps (not specified)
FPNTraps: Stationary uncovered pound netsTraps: Stationary uncovered pound netsX
FPOTraps: PotsTraps: PotsX
FSNTraps: Stow netsTraps: Stow netsX
FWRTraps: Barriers, fences, weirs, etc.Traps: Barriers, fences, weirs, etc.X
FYKTraps: Fyke netsTraps: Fyke netsX
GDSGillnets: Set (anchored) gillnets: demersal gillnetsGillnets: Set (anchored) gillnets: demersal gillnets. WWF (World Wide Fund For Nature) accepted designation for wild catch fishing gear.
GSPGillnets: Set (anchored) gillnets: pelagic gillnetsGillnets: Set (anchored) gillnets: pelagic gillnets. WWF (World Wide Fund For Nature) accepted designation for wild catch fishing gear.
GENGillnets and entangling nets (not specified)Gillnets and entangling nets (not specified)
GNGillnets (not specified)Gillnets (not specified)X
GNCEncircling gillnetsEncircling gillnetsX
GNFFixed gillnets (on stakes)Fixed gillnets (on stakes)X
GNSSet gillnets (anchored)Set gillnets (anchored)X
GTNCombined gillnets-trammel netsCombined gillnets-trammel netsX
GTRTrammel netsTrammel netsX
HMDMechanized dredgesMechanized dredgesX
HMXHarvesting machines (not specified)Harvesting machines (not specified)X
LASurrounding Nets- without purse lines (lampara)Surrounding Nets- without purse lines (lampara)X
LHMHandlines and pole-lines (mechanized)Handlines and pole-lines (mechanized)X
LHPHandlines and pole-lines (hand-operated)Handlines and pole-lines (hand-operated)X
LLLonglines (not specified)Longlines (not specified)X
LLDDrifting longlinesDrifting longlinesX
LLSSet longlinesSet longlinesX
LNLift nets (not specified)Lift nets (not specified)
LNBBoat-operated lift netsBoat-operated lift netsX
LNPPortable lift netsPortable lift netsX
LNSShore-operated stationary lift netsShore-operated stationary lift netsX
LTLTrolling linesTrolling linesX
LXHooks and lines (not specified)3Hooks and lines (not specified)3
LYSurrounding nets and lift nets (not specified) (GS1 Code)Surrounding nets and lift nets (not specified) (GS1 Code)X
MHIHand implementsHand implements (Wrenching gear, clamps, tongs, rakes, spears).
MISMiscellaneous GearMiscellaneous GearX
NKGear Not Known or Not SpecifiedGear Not Known or Not SpecifiedX
OTMidwater trawls: Otter trawls (not specified)Midwater trawls: Otter trawls (not specified)X
OTBBottom trawls - otter trawlsBottom trawls - otter trawlsX
OTMMidwater trawls- otter trawlsMidwater trawls- otter trawlsX
OTTMidwater trawls: Otter twin trawlsMidwater trawls: Otter twin trawlsX
PSSurrounding Nets with purse lines (purse seines)Surrounding Nets with purse lines (purse seines)X
PS1Surrounding Nets - one boat operated purse seinesSurrounding Nets - one boat operated purse seinesX
PS2Surrounding Nets - two boats operated purse seinesSurrounding Nets - two boats operated purse seinesX
PTMidwater trawls: Pair trawls (not specified)Midwater trawls: Pair trawls (not specified)X
PTBBottom trawls - pair trawlsBottom trawls - pair trawlsX
PTMMidwater trawls- pair trawlsMidwater trawls- pair trawlsX
RGRecreational Fishing GearRecreational Fishing GearX
SBSeine Nets: Beach seinesSeine Nets: Beach seinesX
SDNSeine Nets - Danish seinesSeine Nets - Danish seinesX
SPWSeine Nets: Purse seines - without FADsPurse seines without FADs (Fish Aggregation Devices). WWF (World Wide Fund For Nature) accepted designation for wild catch fishing gear.
SPWFSeine Nets: Purse seines - with FADsPurse seines with FADs (Fish Aggregation Devices). WWF (World Wide Fund For Nature) accepted designation for wild catch fishing gear.
SPRSeine Nets - pair seinesSeine Nets - pair seinesX
SSCSeine Nets - Scottish seinesSeine Nets - Scottish seinesX
SVSeine Nets: Boat or vessel seinesSeine Nets: Boat or vessel seinesX
SXSeine nets (not specified)Seine nets (not specified)
TBBottom trawls - bottom trawls (not specified)Bottom trawls - bottom trawls (not specified)X
TBBBottom trawls - beam trawlsBottom trawls - beam trawlsX
TBNBottom trawls - nephrops trawlsBottom trawls - nephrops trawlsX
TBSBottom trawls - shrimp trawlsBottom trawls - shrimp trawlsX
TMMidwater trawls- midwater trawls (not specified)Midwater trawls- midwater trawls (not specified)X
TMSMidwater trawls- shrimp trawlsMidwater trawls- shrimp trawlsX
TSPPulse trawlsPulse trawls. WWF (World Wide Fund For Nature) accepted designation for wild catch fishing gear.
TXMidwater trawls: Other trawls (not specified)Midwater trawls: Other trawls (not specified)X
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