Next generation barcodes. One scan. Infinite possibilities.

2D barcodes in retail

Retail is moving towards the next generation of barcodes. One simple scan, but unlimited possibilities for more product information for companies, regulatory authorities and consumers.

About 2D barcodes

QR codes powered by GS1 are the next generation of barcodes, enabling both scanning at the checkout and with the consumer’s mobile phone. As a data carrier, the 2D barcode offers efficient communication throughout the value chain to anyone who needs personalized and extended product information. GS1 offers three different types: QR code with GS1 Digital Link, Data Matrix with GS1 Digital Link and GS1 DataMatrix.

With a simple mobile scan, the consumer can get detailed product information. In combination with GS1 Digital Link, you can also offer an unlimited menu of web links that can help mobile shoppers engage with your brand.

Why 2D barcodes in retail?

Consumers today need more information about products than ever before. Legislators, organizations and industries are pushing towards sustainability, traceability and transparency in the value chain. One of the effects are new demands for more information.

The classic barcode only contains the product’s Global Trade Item Number (GTIN), but is no longer enough to meet tomorrow’s requirements and business needs.

Brand owners can meet new demands by encoding more data on the packaging with data carriers that have high information capacity. And retailers will be able to read the information by customizing their systems.

The industry’s global ambition is for QR codes powered by GS1 to be readable in POS systems by 2027.

Advantages of 2D barcodes

2d-koder-inom-retail rätt information
Warehouse management
Tillämpa “first in–first out”, bättre lagerstyrning, mindre administration, ökad tillgänglighet och minskat svinn.
2d codes in retail - provides better traceability
Verifiera produkters äkthet, ​ingrediens- och ursprungsinformation, transparens i varuflödet och ökat konsumentförtroende.
2d-koder-inom-retail säkerhet
Skydda din varumärkesintegritet, motverka försäljning av utgången eller återkallad produkt och stoppa förfalskade produkter.
2d-koder-inom-retail hållbarhet
Get information about recycling, enable circular economy, counter waste and view original information.
2d-koder-inom-retail ger bättre konsumentupplevelse
Consumer engagement
Get access to approved brand information, promotions, recipes and brand engagement.
2d-koder-inom-retail ger bättre förpackningar
Better packaging
On-pack marketing, better ability to comply with legislation and improved consumer experience.
2D codes in retail - join the working group
2D Barcode Implementation Journey

Start your 2D journey

A practical guide for manufacturers, brand owners and retailers to get started with their next generation barcode implementation.
Read and get started
2D codes-in-retail is a global program

A global 2D program

A global shift is underway, with brand owners and retailers working together to label packaging with barcodes and 2D barcodes. The initiative to move to the next generation barcodes comes from industry-leading global players and covers all retail and FMCG product categories, including variable weight goods.

Standards and implementation guides

Here you will find shortcuts to standards, specifications and open source code for implementation.

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GS1 and 2D barcodes

Frequently asked questions

Here are frequently asked questions about 2D barcodes and much more you might want to know about GS1.
To our FAQ
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